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"Fuck I'm so boooored! Ross! Can we go to your place?" The four of you were walking through the neighbourhood, taking up all the space of the sidewalk. Personally, you didn’t mind all that much. It was hilarious having to very passive aggressively smile at Roy and pat his back a little too hard when he tried to pick on some kid. But that left Roy nothing to do, funnily enough.

"You know I'd have to ask my mom first-" Ross said, shaking his head. You bump your shoulder against his and lean down, wrapping an arm around him and putting some of your weight on him.

"Come onnnn Ross, boo boo. I'm sure she'll be fine with us there" You groaned out, rubbing your cheek against the top of his beanie.

Robert nodded in agreement as Ross stumbled. "Yeah dude! Your mom is super nice anyways. She wouldn't mind that much right?"

"Plus! Y/N is here after having been gone for years! Who knows, maybe she'll be even more lenient because of that?" Roy added as we neared Ross' house anyways. Ross sighed as he knocked on his front door. A minute later, his mom opened the door causing Ross to quickly push you away.

"Hello-? Oh, Ross you're home already? And- oh! Come in come in" Ross' mom moved to the side, opening the door wider and ushering you lot in. Once you stepped inside and took your shoes off, she spoke up again. "Y/N is that you? Ohhh you've grown so much taller than the last time I saw you!" You smiled smugly and pretended to scratch your neck, flustered, as she pulled Ross beside you, comparing your heights.

"Oh, thank you Miss Jaune! I actually drink my milk" You snickered and glance over to Ross who simply looked away with rosy cheeks.

He rolled his eyes and pulled you guys to his room. "Ooookay mom, we're going to my room now." She grinned and nodded her head.

"Have fun you four! I'll be here if you need anything!" She shouted back as Ross shut his door. He groaned and plopped onto his bed, face first.

"Called it." Roy blurted out, grabbing one of Ross' controllers and turning his console on. He tossed his hat off and sat on the floor at the foot of the bed  Robert following suit. You huffed out a laugh as you plopped onto the bed, causing Ross to slightly bounce. He let out a grunt as he laid there motionless.

You decided to get comfortable as you watched the two play competitively, rooting for Robert since Roy kind of sucked ass at games. It was almost painful to watch. He definitely did improve from the last time you watched him play but he was still getting his ass handed to him. So you figured a little encouragement would help. "I'll give whoever loses next round a big sloppy smooch and the winner will get my 50 bucks."

This caused the both of them to tense up and glance at you, pausing their game.

"Y/N what the fu-"

"Oh, I will not be losing next round! I'll make sure of it." Robert declared, glaring back at the screen as you loudly laughed out. Ross didn't stir, so you looked over to him and noticed his eyes were closed and he was asleep. Huh, so he was just tired.

Robert owned Roy while he was still distracted, quickly moving them over to the next match as Roy sputtered in protest.

"That 50 dollars is mine Roy, I am not getting my face sucked out from Y/N. Get your ass ready dude, I will not be showing any mercy" Robert adjusted his sitting position as he stuck his tongue out in concentration.

Roy got nervous as he readied himself aswell. "Come on man, thats not fair! You know I'm not as good! If I was actually able to practice, I bet I would punt you into the ground so fast!"

The two bickered back and forth as you watched them, letting out a small yawn as this round took longer. Roy was clearly losing, but atleast he was holding up longer than usual. Closing your eyes, you decided to rest for a bit.

Unfortunately for you, your beauty sleep didn't last long as you jumped at the sound of Robert exclaiming his win. He jumped around in his spot, waving his hands around before then turing to you and extending his hand. "Alright, hand over my reward man!"

You chuckle at his excitement and fished through your pockets, handing him fifty dollars as he let out a small 'sick!' Roy on the other hand was sat there like stone. You snorted at the look of absolute defeat on his face. Getting up from your spot on the bed, you walked over infront of Roy and crouched. "Ready for your punishment little man?" You pulled him up and lightly pat his shoulder as he looked up at you with a sour look on his face.

"You guys can go smooch outside, I don't wanna see what it is your gonna do together." Robert pushed you outside, shutting the door behind you two as you blinked in suprise. You looked down at Roy from the corner of your eye and noticed the blush on his face returning.

"Uhhh.... Rob didn't think I was serious, did he..? Um. Unless you want me to? You can back down if you want" You turn to him unsure as he looked off to the side.

"I'm not a pussy! Just get it over with.." You chuckled at that and pulled him into the bathroom, feeling that the hallway wasn't private enough.

"Alright alright, if you insist." If you were being honest, you were actually kind of excited. Roy was one of your best friends and you liked him a lot, and you mean a lot. And for a long time aswell. Despite having been the most clingy and bold out of the four, the Hatzgang never really pushed you away or excluded you. Especially Roy, the kid who picked on practically every kid if it seemed 'appropriate' in that current moment.

And needless to say, you may have developed a small crush and figured that hey, woah, shit, maybe you're gay.

You grasped the collar of his turtleneck and leaned down, pulling him closer as you could feel his breath quickening on your face. Just inches away, you couldn't help but ask one more time. "Are you sure about this Roy?"

He faltered and gulped, his facade beginning to fall.

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