Camp Half-Blood Day Care

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A/N: This basically started with the idea that Will started going to Camp Half-Blood very young, and it snowballed. The ages are my own educated guesses on how old they should be in canon, but Rick's not the best when it comes to ages, so things could be off. This is also a friendly reminder that Travis and Connor aren't twins, and in this story, Travis is 10, and Connor is 8 (I feel like I might get comments on that, so might as well outright state it.) Also, Luke doesn't have a scar yet

Also this chapter is dedicated to WiseRavenclaw07 because I've been ranting about my Solangelo hyperfixation to her for the last two weeks and she hasn't gotten tired of me yet so that's much appreciated. 🖤

Camp Half-Blood Day Care

He'd never left Austin, Texas before. Never in his five long years of living. He'd been about the city-to tons of different restaurants where his mama would play music, to record dealerships and music shops-but everything his mama and him ever needed was confined in the invisible walls of Austin.

That was until Mama got a deal to go on tour.

Will wasn't quite sure what a tour was-Mama described it as going to loads of different places where she could play music for thousands of people-but his small brain couldn't picture her playing anywhere but the small pub she normally played at. The one where he'd sit on the big spinny chair and drink apple juice as Mama plucked away at the strings of her guitar. He couldn't quite comprehend the fact that he'd be leaving Austin.

It didn't feel real until he was sat in the back of a tour-bus, watching the city of Austin disappear.

"Where are we going?" Will asked, a slight lisp from the tooth he had lost a few days before: his very first lost tooth.

"New York," said his mama, sorting through guitar picks across the table from him.

"Is that in Texas?"

Mama laughed, and it made Will laugh too, though he wasn't sure why. "No, darlin', it's a different state. Remember when we talked about states?"

"Oh," Will vaguely remembered such a conversation. It had been when Mama tried to teach him to read, but the letters had gone all swirly and the b's looked like d's and he hadn't enjoyed it much. "You're gonna play music in New York?"

Mama nodded. "It's going to be a lot bigger than Austin."

"Bigger than Austin?" exclaimed Will, flabbergasted at the possibility something was bigger than the large city he lived in. "But Austin's like this big!" He stretched his arms as far as they could go.

Mama chuckled, "I know, sweetpea. I know." She paused a minute, looking at the smiling face of the five-year-old in front of her. "Do you want to help me organize my guitar picks?"

Will's grin enlarged, "Yes!" He reached across the table and grabbed his favorite pick; a yellow one with a golden sun, "After can we play doctor?"

"Of course."

The bus trip was much longer than Will had thought, they even stayed in a hotel for a night in a place called Virginia! He'd never been in a hotel, but he decided he liked them. The room he and Mama were in was large, with one bed pushed in the corner and a couch that Mama said turned into a bed. There even was a pool, though Mama and he only went there for a half-hour after dinner. His favorite part, however, was curling up against Mama as she turned on cartoons that they watched until they fell asleep.

It was nearing nightfall as they arrived in what Mama said was New York. There was white dust on the sidewalk, like the sugar on his favorite cookie. His mama told him it was snow, something that fell from the sky like rain when it was very cold. He thought it looked pretty.

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