❤️• Chapter 2 : What a night so far..

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•Third Person POV•

As you frantically ran to go search for help for the vampire man, you bumped into someone...again.
"I'm so sorry! I really need to stop doing this and look at where I'm going.." you say as you look at the pretty purple haired lady in front of you.

"Oh it's alright...hey have you seen my child..? He's in a skeleton costume and his friend is in a pumpkin costume!" She said worryingly to you...hmm..that rung a bell didn't it?

"Oh! I think I have, they were at a haunted house! But they left before I did sadly but perhaps I'll help you find them..?" You said hoping they'll also help you get medical attention for the vampire man...wait! Perhaps they had a phone on them.

"Oh! Also do any of you have a phone..? I need to call for medical attention for someone.." you said nervously hoping they don't say no.

"Oh sure! But...what for exactly..?" The purple haired lady said to you as she hands you her phone.
"I just need to help someone in need is all." You replied as you called for medical help for the vampire man, as the hospital you're calling asks about the injuries and where it is you walk along with the purple haired lady and her friend as they search for the purple haired lady's child, you hang up as they say they'll go see the issue and you smile in happy relief...thank goodness that the vampire man will be okay...but who would do such a thing like that?? That's very fucking absurd...and cruel..
As you walk with the ladies you decided that if you were helping them you rather let them know who you were anyways.

"Oh my names (Y/N) by the way! I apologize for not introducing myself earlier! I was just too focused on getting help for someone.."

"It's fine! Nice that you're helping us (Y/N)..I'm Lila and this is my friend Jaune!" Lila said as she looks at you for a brief moment before sighing in a mild defeat, Jaune puts her hand on Lila's back and comforts her telling her they'll find her child and his friend until the two children are suddenly right in front of us.

"Mom, why are you not in a costume?"
Lila and Jaune take a moment to realize they're right in front of us and Lila excitingly hugs the skeleton child in joy and happy relief as she finally found her child, You smile as this is pretty sweet and wholesome.

"Come on! We're going home!" Lila said happily as she puts her child down and holds their hand.
"But momm...we're playing-" Jaune chuckles before looking down at the Pumpkin child.
"What are you playing?"
"Hide and seek with a big fat red guy!" The pumpkin child said a little too...excitingly...Lila, Jaune and Yourself look at them in a scared surprise look before turning around to see The devil once again.

•Your POV•

He's here...the weird guy from earlier...was he the guy that tore off the arm of that vampire guy..? No no but...why would be he chasing these two children..? Wait...is that..it's the cannibal killer isn't it?

I look at Lila and Jaune before helping them grab the box of candy before looking both aways before crossing the street together as a big group, safety is key, we look at him from across the street scared and he comes before the skeleton child looks at him worryingly and points to him.

"Oh no-!! He's crossing the street without looking!"
You look to see the demon guy get run over by a police car and laying on the road, as the cops came out a bunch of children go up to them and clap and cheer for them.

"Is everyone okay..?" One of the officers said while looking at us as we walk up to them.
"C-can you take us home..?" Lila said looking down at the Devil guy before looking at the officers worryingly and scared like.

As we get in the police car I look down for a moment at the Devil dude...as much as I don't condone in awful behaviour as his...I do hope he's okay, I get in the backseat of the police car with everyone and await for the officers to hop in and take us home.

I sigh as I look at my window to see him there and try and pop in, I quickly scoot myself over to the other side of the car, what does he want with us!?
As Jaune screams to get the attention of the police officers, the devil guy swings his knife at us and tries to hurt us as Lila, Jaune and I protect the children as they're not aware of the real situation and think it's about their silly game.

"Woah what are you doing!?"

"You know we already won!" The two kids exclaim at the devil guy as he angrily swings his knife at us.

"You can't escape from me..I WILL FOLLOW YOU UNTIL YOU ARE DEA-"
*B A N G*

He falls to the ground as he's been shot by the police.

"Do..you think he's dead..?" One of the officers said before they both started to shoot the devil guy to oblivion, I cover my ears throughout this though, too loud.
The gunshot noises stop as the officers come in.

"Sorry for that.." one of them says looking at us worryingly.
"Just take us home please."
"Pretty please-" Lila and Jaune exclaimed no longer wanting to be outside.

We heard a lot claw like thump noise on the front of the car and a loud groan as the front gets stabbed by knifes to reveal the devil guy.

"Do..you know..how to tenderize meat..?"
"I'll show you how!" One of the officers said driving and ramming into the dude, repeating it over and over until the devil guy falls and stops moving.

Lila and Jaune push for the officers to take us home now officially since the devil guy is no more.

I requested to be dropped off first since I lived nearby, I look at everyone smiling briefly before looking out the window and seeing my place up ahead, we stop as we arrive to my house and I get out and wave farewell to everyone and walk inside my home.

What a interesting but scary night...I sigh as I change out and change into comfortable pjs (can be whatever you want lmao), and lay on my couch and just put on a horror movie.

I munch on my candy and slowly feel myself drift to sleep on my couch, I get up just before I do and slowly walk to my bedroom not caring that my tv is on or not and just flunk myself onto my bed and wrap myself up in my blanket and sleep.

This was a very scary and interesting evening..a weird Halloween to say the least..I hope all ends well.


((I APOLOGIZE FOR NOT UPDATING SCHOOL AND MOVING WAS AN ASS😭 plus writer block lmao but I swear on my life I'm not gonna abandon this book😼🙏))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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