The Great Dynasty

16 1 0

Book 1: Kings & Queens (Yttrium Iron Ruiz and Shahara Blue Calanthe)

                 - Season 1 [COMPLETED & available in Patreon and EBOOK purchase]

                - Season 2

Book 1.5: Spook (Cyanide Tryst Calanthe)

                -  available in Patreon and EBOOK purchase only

Book 2: We Own It (Grayson Abraham Fletcher)

               - Soon

Book 3:  Arcade (Fierry Atriox Warwick)

               - Soon

- Almost is Never Enough (Yaakov Iridium Ruiz and Herinne Ione Calanthe)

               - Soon

- Rhapsody (Alfonso Gregorio Gonzalez)

               - Soon

- Just Like James (Ava Maria Golliner)

               - Soon

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