𝐱𝐱𝐢. ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞❩


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EMMETT CULLEN WAS A MAN WITH PRIDE. As his wife had claimed, it was one of his few flaws - that along with his reckless behavior. He was proud of his life, and of his family. And especially his little sister.

Which is why the thought of her with that Volturi brat made him want to lock her away in a tower for all of eternity. For as long as he could remember, it was him Rebekah relied on, and it was him who was the steady rock in her life. He was her source of comfort. 

Rosalie had claimed he was jealous, Edward said he was scared to be replaced, and Alice had merely told him he was an idiot. And he was beginning to think they were right. 

He and Rebekah hadn’t talked much since they made up from their spat, and he wanted to fix that. After a quick trip to Seatle, more importantly - Hobby Lobby - he was ready to mend his bond with his little sister. 

Emmett knew where to find her around this time. She would be in the den, a notebook in her lap and Golden Girls on the screen. She had seen the show at least a hundred times and even had a poster signed by all four actresses in her room - but she still loved it. 

And he was right. Rebekah was sitting on the floor in between the coffee table and the couch with a notebook open. Her gaze was fixed on the TV, watching as Dorothy tossed Rose into the closet in Blanche’s room. Ah, so she had started it over. 

“Haven’t you seen this show at least a hundred times?” Emmett asked as he took a seat behind her. 

“Yes, and I will watch it hundreds more.” Rebekah shot back lightly, and then she turned to face him - her eyes zeroing in on the colorful bag that rested at his side. “What is that?”

“It’s an “I’m sorry I was being a big jerk” gift.” He smiled and handed her the present. “I know you have been wanting a new journal, so I got you that along with some new pens and stickers to decorate it.”

Rebekah smiled as she pulled out the gifts in the bag. “You know me too well, Emmett. And you didn’t have to get me all this.”

“No, but I wanted to.” Emmett slid down to sit at her side. “Rebekah I want you to be happy, and if that means putting up with that Volturi brat until the end of eternity - I am willing to do that for you.” Her brother pulled her into a side hug, kissing the side of her head and Rebekah smiled.

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