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(Y/N) couldn't help the sigh she let out from where she stood on the terrace of Harry's Parisian penthouse. Her hands were hooked around the railing, keeping her from toppling over as she leant forward in a dreamy haze with her gaze attached to the Eiffel Tower bathed in morning light. Maybe she was trapped in her daydream, influenced by the ambiance of the city, but she swore she could smell the butter melting as croissants were baking in the shops below, sparkling water spritzing with sweet scents, and fresh baguettes being spread over with fancy cheeses and swirls of honey.

"Not tired of this place, yet?" Harry asked with a gentle tone as he wrapped his cool arms around her waist from behind. The point of his chin settled into the curve of her neck, sighing into her scent.

"Never," she smiled, settling her hands on his own as they folded over her middle. "What time is the showing?"

The whole point of the trip out here instead of their usual time in Italy, had been so Harry could show her a chateau he was planning on potentially purchasing. He hadn't shown her too much of the listing online as he had declared he wanted it to be a surprise when he finally took her, but he had promised it was beautiful. Smaller than what he was used to, but he said it reminded him of her. Delicate and cozy, he'd described it as. A home.

"Not until noon. We have time." Harry's murmured tone floated between them, joining the buttery warmth (Y/N) swore was wafting up to the terrace.

"We have time for what?" She bit down on her bottom lip to stifle the grin that wanted to stretch wider on her lips. She knew exactly what he had in mind, exactly what he had made time for this morning.

"Come back inside, and I'll show you, puppy."

Spinning her in his arms, (Y/N) was greeted by the sight of Harry, bare-chested and warm after cuddling her through the night. Faint beams of sunlight dared to broach their daydream on the balcony, tracing the lines of his muscles in fans of a golden glaze. Having bit from her the night before after a decadent dinner at one of (Y/N)'s new favorite spots in the city, his cheeks were warm with a rosy color, skin tan, and eyes bright with curling strands of hair falling over his forehead. She could have melted under his gaze alone, the caress of his hands on her hips being the cherry on top.

"Can we keep the balcony doors open?" she whispered, allowing him to lead her back into the mussed bedroom.

"Y'sure y'want everyone to hear you, puppy?" Harry dropped his head to press into the soft of her throat, the blooming bruise on the curve welcoming him as he remembered sinking his teeth in to the delicate skin.

"I'll try to be quiet," she got out, voice soft between them.

Sucking in a deep breath of her scent, Harry could have swore his heart warmed and fluffed up just like the croissants he was trying to perfect for her.



Harry couldn't keep the smug smile from spreading across his face as he caught his petal's reaction from the corner of his eye. When he started correspondence over getting a showing for this Parisian chateau, and seeing every photo of the estate, he had hoped her reaction would be something like this. The wonder in her gaze was something he would never grow tired of.

"What do you think, m'petal?" he asked, pulling into the gravel drive of the home.

"It—I—Harry," she floundered, her voice a sigh.

"'S beautiful, isn't it? I thought you'd like the ivy," he murmured, finding a space to park beside the realtor's own car.

While the chateau was gorgeous by anyone's standards, it was small to Harry. He'd grown very comfortable with sprawling estates full of rooms that he had no idea what to do with, multiples of every amenity, and more than enough space between himself and anyone who wiggled their way into his house. But, since (Y/N) entered his life and his heart, he felt no need for all of the cold space. There was no reason for him to be anywhere else other than close to her. This cottage was perfect for the existence he wanted with her.

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