~{Chapter 1}~

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(Also the past 4*TOWN and Mei and her friends will be in the story so yeah-)

TaeYoung's POV

I woke up to look at the time. It was 8am. "Huh 8am I usually wake up a bit earlier." I hear talking downstairs. "Again..." I groaned a bit before getting up and changed. I usually wake up later than usual on weekends. I walk to the bathroom brushing my teeth and walked to the kitchen. "안녕하세요 태태님 잘잤어요?(Hello TaeTae, did you sleep well)" My mother says asking. "예 엄마(Yes mom)" I replied to her. I look over to my siblings they were doing their own thing. I smiled and walked over to the table table grab paper and a pencil then I started to draw something random. "Can I see your drawing?" I look up to see my little sister standing next to me. "Oh uh, sure Nam-ra" I handed her the piece of paper. "It's good!" She says smiling happily. I smiled back at her and grabbed the paper continuing to draw as she walked over to her dolls. "Kids breakfast is ready!" Our mother yelled. I just put the paper to to side with the pencil. "여기 당신의 음식 태입니다.(Here is your food Tae.)" My mother puts my plate infront of me. "감사합니다 엄마(Thank you mom)" I responded as my other siblings sat down. It was toast, egg, and some celery sticks. "Yummy!" My youngest sibling says which caused us to giggle. After a while I finished eating, I grabbed my plate and cup and took it to the sink. "Hmm what to do now..." I say thinking of something. "Ma!" I yelled out. "Yes Tae?" She says "Can I go to the park for a bit?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head. I went to put socks on then went to put my shoes on. "Be back before 12pm!" "Okay!" I opened the door and left the house closing it.

Time skip to when Tae gets to the park.

"The swings!" I ran over to them getting onto one of them then I started to swing myself a bit. "You okay?" I looked over and I saw a little girl around my age. "Oh uh, yeah" I say. "You seem nice want to be my friend!" She asked. "Umm sure!" I responded. "I'm Abby" So that's her name. "I'm TaeYoung, but Tae for short" I smile. She gets onto the other swing. "Hiw old are you I'm 5" She asked. "Oh I-I'm 7" I say. "You look younger then 7 though" "I do?" I say.

Timeskip to 11am

"Oh I need to go now sorry Abby, maybe I'll see you tomorrow" I say waving bye. "Bye!" She says as I walk back home. As soon as I got back into the house my mother walked up to me. "So how was your time?" She asked. "It was good I have a new friend" I say taking of my shoes. "Well what's their name?" "Abby" "That's nice" My mother says before I walk to my room.

Words: 518

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