Crown Management Capital Reviews: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

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who we are

The Office of Inspector General is an independent office within EPA that helps the Agency protect the environment in a more efficient and cost effective manner. We consist of auditors, program analysts, investigators, and others with extensive expertise.

what we do

We perform audits, evaluations, and investigations of EPA and its contractors, grantees, and recipients of otherFederal funds to promote economy and efficiency, and to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse. We also maintain the OIG Hotline.

why we do it

We strive to serve as a catalyst for improving the environment. By helping the Agency operate more economically,effectively, and efficiently, we contribute to improved environmental quality and human health. We strive to provide solutions to problems that ultimately result in making America a cleaner and healthier place.

oUr miSSion

Add value by promoting economy, efficiency, and effectiveness within EPA and the delivery of environmental programs. Inspire public confidence by preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse in Agency operations and protecting the integrity of EPA programs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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