Chapter 1: Admidst The Greiving

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As the sun came down up the land, within the winter's sky.
All stood in unity, hand in hand,
for December had arrived.
In the mansion of organised crime, hearts filled with love.
All traditions stood the test of time, and stars got hung above.
Criminals put down their weapons for the sake of Christmas cheer,
but one thing was becoming more and more obvious,
someone wasn't here.
On this night of plenty,
minds became awry.
Especially one of a certain girl,
but others all deny. 

"Fleur, aren't you going to join the celebration?", Edward asked politely. Fleur looked forlorn, like a piece of her joy was missing. "What's the point? The traditions aren't the same this year.", she enthused with much disgust. "What do you mean? We still have the tree, the stars, two Father Christmases, it's the same as every year.", he tried to reassure her. But Fleur wasn't having any of it, "I can't see that…", she lamented. The boss took her limp hand, "Come.", he stated. 

"Everything has a purpose.", Edward said, guiding Fleur through the halls of the mansion. "Look at the candlelight, without it, the atmosphere would only be darkness, shadow. Each piece of the celebration adds to the joy." Seeing everyone having fun, she wondered if everyone was just putting up a front, just pretending to enjoy them. The fire that was once a haven for relaxing beside was burning her body. Even Edward, who was a calming presence, seemed tense. "You miss him, don't you?", questioned Edward. A downtrodden Fleur looked down at the ground, "I just want to know that Palette would've wanted what we have in store…". 

Entering the main hall, various familiar faces greeted the pair, with an unnatural joyousness within them, including a certain young blue haired man, dressed in green and dragging around a drooling soldier. "Rou, how's the outfit holding up?", asked Edward to the blushing capo ahead of them. "I suppose it's okay, Demitris and the servants had to do a little adjustment to the chest…". Edward smiled knowingly, certain his vision of previous years would return, "I think Palette would've loved your style...though I must say your subordinate seems to be rather attached…", he reminisced.

Moving along, more syndicate members desired the boss's attention. "Eddie! How's it going?", an enthusiastic voice shouted out. "Vox my love, how's the booze coming along?", questioned Edward. The fae was accompanied by Viper, and he was seemingly jumping for joy despite the witch's disapproval, "Good, good!", he bounced around. Viper held him still, "The aligote wine you requested is being brought from the tavern at this very minute. It's the only wine Vox hasn't completely devoured…", she answered with the common sense he lacked. 

Upon leaving the crowded area, Fleur set things straight, "See, everything's changing. You're replacing everything Palette has done with something far inferior!", she exclaimed. Edward's mouth was agape with shock, before his features softened,"Fleur, I know it's different, but-". The agitated elf interrupted him, "There's only one wine at our table, and Rou is far from the best choice to be second Santa!", she asserted. Edward frantically held her down, "It's the best we can do without Pallette…", he murmured, but now there was no persuading her. 

The vampire sighed, "We're doing our best, just try to understand…". The girl shook her head, trying to make herself believe the new reality they'd created for themselves. "If Christmas is in this much of a shambles, surely the whole Syndicate will go down!".  Flipping her hair back, Fleur ran her hands through it angrily. "No Fleur, not everyone wants to celebrate and you're evident of that…", Edward whispered. "No! It's all false!", she yelled, heading for the door. 

Fleur's tears threatened to spill out, she couldn't take anything, "Everyone should be celebrating! Everyone needs to be together for Christmas! Palette wants us to be together!" With those words spoken, Fleur turned to the tree and kicked it down, leaving in anger and frustration,with Edward standing by himself in the hallway. His mind raced in circles, unable to fathom the potential chaos that may erupt, and soon he gave up on trying to find an answer.

In the midst of the noise, Rou and Demitris approached their superior, "Edward, Rou is ready to-". Demitris stopped in his tracks at the fallen tree, "What happened here? Where's Fleur?", he asked, a hint of worry in his tone. "I think she's noticed that this year's not like the others…", he muttered to both men. Rou offered his arms to the boss and pulled him in, explaining his take on things. "I know Fleur very well, and she always apologises for her wrongdoings, and change is hard, especially after grief…". Edward let go, putting his hand over his forehead, "I just hope she's going to be okay out there…". 

He was right, as he suspected, Fleur had indeed left the mansion, running at full speed through the snow. Her eyes were filled with sorrows, as she struggled to hold back the waterworks that would surely freeze over her eyes in the cold weather. In the fog in the dead of night, she was overtaken by horrendous delusions about the organisation, causing her to lose all focus on the path. Soon, she encountered a large rock, and she tripped into the icy ground…

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