Chapter 1

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chapter 1

"sweety, are you okay?"mom said with a worried face

"I'm fine don't worry" I responded with a fake smile on

well, tbh I'm not actually happy because I had a one fail subject I usually had no fail subject before this just happened this year ever since my dad died I've been depressed lately, I'm more worried about mom because she said she's okay but it's so obvious that she's not, I know that feeling when you lost someone you love the most

"are you sure? you don't sound so good"

"I'm really fine"i smiled "see?"

"ok² , be sure to go down stairs to eat okay?"

"okay mom"

"I love you" mom said before she went downstairs

"love you too" I responded, ahh I love my mom so much I can't afford to lose not her

next day.....

it's already 7:20 am and my class starts at 7:40 that means I only had 20 minutes to prepare, ahhh this sucks this usually happen sometimes when I overslept because of my homework but still I want my mom to be proud of me

thank God manong Albert came if he didn't arrive I gonna late, he saved my life

manong Albert is my driver his dad's favorite since he has been working here for a long time

Gabriella that's my name it means devoted to God my mom name me that

while I was going downstairs I heard someone called my name

"hey freak"alexander said his my brother btw I usually hate him cause he's annoying and very mean to me but when his with mom he acts like an angel even though he's like that I still love him

"what?? are you here to annoy me again?"

"of course not, I'm here to ask questions silly" he chuckles


"who's this girl called larisa?" ohh that's my bestfriend

"she's my friend, why are you asking about her?" I wonder why he ask me this

"she texted me last night that are you fine because you didn't reply to her texts she's so worried" oh shit I simply forgot about her text I got so busy about school that I forgot about her texts I'm so dead


sorry about the grammar I'm not really good at this I hope ya'll forgive me:)

btw, make sure to like this story

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