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Liam was walking through the corridors of the hotel as a part of his duty. He stopped when he reached Zayn's room. He stood there, doubting whether he should knock or not. He don't know why zayn had that fight earlier, but he is sure that the guy might have said something to provoke zayn. His husband easily gets provoked, especially...erm... these days.His thoughts disturbed when Louis came out and locked the door. He sighed then looked at Liam.''Hey, how's your hand?'' Liam looked at his bandaged hand and nodded with a small smile.''Its alright''. Then his face turned into concern. ''Is he.., Is he okay?'' Louis nodded. ''Liam, give him some time mate. I know his actions can't be justified, but he believes that he lost his life. I don't know how much time it will take, but one day he will realise everything, he will forget everything and he will accept you. Just, he need sometime.'' Liam nodded with a sad face.



Dear diary,
        Finally I decided to confess my feelings to zaynie. Yes, I was afraid. Well, I can't lose my 15 year old friendship with him. But graduation is near. And he is going to Italy, you know for higher studies. If he says yes, I'll go with him. And if he says No...(sigh)...well I don't know. But I have to tell him. I will tell him...God I love him sooo soo soooo.....

''OYE BROTHER...!!!'' Niall jumped into the bed making liam close his diary immediately. ''What the hell Niall''? ''So, you are gonna win your fuckboy back?'' Niall smirked. '' I told you many times, he is not a fuckboy''. Liam scowled. Niall rolled his eyes. ''Everyone know he is, the cliche popular guy who sleeps with every girls or in this case 'girls and boys' in the school and leave them before getting too attached. God, liam except you and louis, he slept with almost everyone in the school''. Liam rolled his eyes. ''And I can't believe that you were the one who helped him with his last three hookups. I mean which boy helps his 'crush' to have sex with others?'' He quoted the crush in the air. Liam looked down.''Its not like that, he said he really loved them, So I thought I should help him. I am his bestfriend afterall.'' '' Seriously Liam?'' Niall lifted his eyebrows at his little brother. ''Oh, please don't ruin my mood.'' Liam pleaded. ''Okay fine, So you're going to tell him?'' Liam nodded with a shy smile. ''What about Harry?'' Liam shrugged.''They broke up last month. That was just a friends with benefits thing''. Niall frowned. ''Oh I thought they were serious. I mean zayn never have been with someone this long. Harry that good huh...?'' Liam made a disgusting face at Niall. ''I don't know.'' he shrugged ''and I don't care. Its my chance and I am going to take my shot.'' He shrugged. ''Be careful little bro, I don't want you to be his next 'ex - shag'.'' Liam glared at his brother before hitting him with the pillow.''


  Liam was sitting at the canteen reading a book when his bestfriend jumped on him.
  ''You idiot, you scared me'' Liam started to hit zayn with the book he was reading. Zayn dodging every hit with his hands laughing. ''Okay stop, stop...stop...'' He caught liam's hands. Liam blushed at that. He stopped his actions and sat on the chair, pretending he is mad. ''Hey, sorry'' Liam looked away. ''Sorry sorry  sorryyyyyy....''zayn followed liam's face and made a kissy lip. Liam couldn't help but smile at that. ''Alright. So Mr.handsome what are you doing after school?'' Liam asked grabbing his book from zayn. ''Evening I have practice. Then we both are going to my home. Dinner, mom's cooking your favourites.'' zayn gave him a playful scowl. Liam laughed at that. Trisha always says that Liam is her favourite. Zayn pretends to be jealous, but he knows that his bestfriend loves the bond between his mom and Liam. ''Okay Mr. Zayn Jealous Malik, I am in and also I have something to tell you'' He blushed when he said that. ''What is it?'' Zayn lifted his eyebrows. Liam smiled and shook his head ''no, not here.'' ''Oh well I have something too'' zayn smirked at him. ''Really?'' Zayn nodded. ''What is it?'' Liam asked.
''Ladies first'' zayn gestured at him. Liam rolled his eyes. ''No, I'll tell you at the evening''. ''What,my head will explode leeyum''.''No you have to wait Mr.Malik''. ''Okay fine''. Zayn huffed and folded his hands infront of his chest looking away. A pout on his lips.(too dramatic). Liam chuckled at that. ''Okay what were you saying''. Zayn remained silent. ''You will pick me up right?''. Zayn continued his silence. ''God, you're unbelievable''. Liam chuckled again. He knows zayn is being childish. But zayn is like this only with him. For everyone else zayn is like the bradford badboy. And liam loves that. A badboy who is a baby but only for him. ''Oye...okay then I'll tell you''.

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