Chapter 11

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Zhe Yan was single minded in protecting the Bai Siblings. - Page 60

-----------------------------------------------Zhe Yan--------------------------------------------------------------

Zhe Yan would need to suggest Bai Qian take the children back to Xiwu Palace soon, the Fox Den was not the place for them right now. Not only for their emotional safeguarding, but physical safety too. Bai Yi's current state was in flux, it was still undetermined if he would overcome the soul-root-disorder. If Bai Yi did succumb to soul-separation he would become a crazed -very powerful- beast, it could turn deadly in an instant.

But Zhe Yan realised he would have to ask Bai Qian this later. Bai Zhi had clearly told his other children at least the main reason why Fengjiu now lay dead, if not the details. Fengjiu had managed to kill her killers, and in the absence of living targets to commit vengeance upon Bai Qian was taking out her considerable fury on anyone nearby.

The voices coming from the Fox Den entry hall were loud, spurred by anger and grief. Bitter words were being had on all sides. Zhe Yan stood unseen at the entryway, he would listen and watch and intervene if things were looking too unsightly.

Bai Qian had in fact just finished accusing her brother Bai Qi of not ruling his land properly. It had been on the borders of Bai Qi's Western wilderness that Fengjiu had died after all.

Bai Zhi's eldest child Bai Xuan came to his brother's defence. Saying that Qing Qiu had never had an army, or even guards, it wasn't their way. He continued, saying that the ruling of any land in Qing Qiu was not for her to criticise. She was of the Heaven Tribe now, soon to be Tianhou, she had no say in such matters anymore.

Zhe Yan saw Bai Qian's face freeze in fury, she'd likely taken Bai Xuan's statement as meaning 'not part of the Bai family', rather than the intended meaning. He decided to intervene before these children really did start fighting each other. He wasn't in the mood to deal with any more blood today.

"If you want to assign blame and seek vengeance, go and use that Yuqing fan of yours to kill little Xueyu. I believe she's currently asleep in her brother's arms.", He spoke as he entered the room.

He'd not been delicate with his words, but deliberately spoken with all the subtlety of having thrown a boulder between the siblings. This made them all pause in shock, and seeing as they were not going to tear each other apart, he continued to speak.

He made the point that Fengjiu had absentmindedly wandered right next to the Ghost Realm border without any thought to the potential dangers. Because of her pregnant state she hadn't been wearing the bell's that would summon Dong Hua with the tiniest application of magic. Fengjiu could not use the Tiancang cage for the similar reason.

This pregnancy of Fengjius' had been a delicate one, the infant in her womb had been exceedingly sensitive to extremes of yin or yang energy. The Tiancang cage was far too powerful, and also made of pure yin energy. It would have upset the delicate balance of energies needed to carry the delicate infant to term. So in this way if Bai Qian really wanted to blame someone, they could place the blame on Fengjiu's tiny daughter Xueyu.

"So, if you truly need to assign blame, then the majority should land on Fengjius' infant daughter.", Zhe Yan finished speaking.

He'd spoken harshly, but a fight between Bai Qian and either of her brothers was absolutely the last thing anyone needed to happen right now.

Seeing as Bai Qian was still taken aback by his words, he spoke again, but in a softer tone this time,"You can blame your brother, Fengjiu, or Xueyu, even fate itself. But to what end? What does it accomplish?", He asked Bai Qian.

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