author talking 👄

28 1 12

Hi. It's me the boring author. So I didn't post any thing these cause of a lot of problems 🙃. and I was kind disappointed 🙃 in myself. Because you guys didn't comment anything.
Making think like it's nothing but a trash story.
And having exam soon making it worse 🙃. I wish I was a good author so I can post daily 😢 😔 but life is cruel 😢 and I want to delete this story. Because no one given a hope to continue the story.
I want to write another story that's my imagination 😩 not another story that it's not mine. Can I delete it ? 😔
Tell me and I will delete it if you want 😊. I hate it
When no one's gonna comment something even hate comments will make me happy 🙂 😊 and I love to hear your thoughts ❤
Love you. Can I call you guys lovelies 😘 .
No one wish me happy birthday 30november my birthday but a person who I admire Taehubalii thank you so much. And read her stories it's better than my trash 🙂🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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