Chapter 3: Reports

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"Will you be alright with taking her to the medical station?" Chan worried. Felix smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll make sure this whole procedure will be as stress-free as possible for her," the cat hybrid promised, securing the little girl in his arms. She was still in a deep slumber, but it was no surprise with what she had been put through just an hour prior to her arrival in Atlantis.

"It's almost as if you didn't trust us, hyung," Jisung, who was standing beside Felix, teased. The warlock's eyes shone with just a bit of mischief. He may or may not have fallen a bit into old habits throughout the last four years. More often than not, his small mischiefs and pranks were a pleasant distraction from the harsh reality they found themselves in nowadays.

"It's almost hurtful," Jeongin joined in with a wide grin on his face. The kitsune had become Jisung's partner in crime when Seungmin was too busy being a magical genius. Chan still could not decide if that was for better or worse.

The wolf hybrid sighed while the others just laughed. Sometimes he wished they would take things more seriously, but maybe it was good that they could make a joke out of everything. Byungho patted his shoulder in sympathy.

"Minho, please make sure they don't end up on top of someone's roof," Chan said to his unofficial second-in-command. Minho rolled his eyes ever so slightly.

"I can't promise anything, but I will take the kit to the medical station no matter what Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest do," the cat hybrid shrugged. It earned him vocal protest from the younger three group members.

"Guys, quiet down," Byungho chimed in, nodding his head towards the little cat hybrid that was stirring in Felix's arms. Everyone quieted down immediately.

"Okay, medical station, but quiet. Got it," Felix whispered, taking off with Jeongin following close behind him.

"Say hi to Winwin and Mr. and Mrs. Lee for me if you see them," Chan said to Minho and Jisung.

"Will do. Have fun with the boring leader work, hyungs," Jisung teased before quickly following Felix and Jeongin. Minho huffed in amusement before walking after his mate.

Chan sighed deeply which made Byungho laugh. The wolf hybrid sent his newly fiancé a playful glare, causing the angel-demon hybrid to chuckle even more. If it was anyone else it might seem utterly confusing why Byungho would suddenly laugh at Chan, but they didn't know their inside jokes. They had no clue that Byungho called Chan a 'tired dad' every time he tried and failed to keep his younger group members from causing chaos or just being their loud selves. They couldn't even fathom how often Chan sighed in exasperation whenever he heard his chaotic friends roughhouse followed by something breaking.

"You are supposed to help me and not laugh at me," Chan complained. Byungho composed himself, but couldn't help the little chuckle that escape him.

"Aren't my kids," the angel-demon grinned to which Chan slowly raised his eyebrow. He just looked at his fiancé, waiting for it to click in his brain. He would raise his left hand if it was needed, but he was confident the look was enough. Byungho looked back at him with mild confusion until it dawned on him. The brunet looked at the pretty silver engagement ring with the inlaid black gems which he wore on his left ring finger. Chan also wore an engagement ring on his left ring finger since they had been stupid enough to propose to each other at the same time. Well, sort of. They had talked about it at length and then both had the idea to reveal to the other that they actually had an engagement ring for the other. The whole thing had ended with too much laughter, happy tears and kisses for Chan to not smile at the memory.

"Alright, smart-ass. We have a place to be," Byungho said as he reached out his hand for Chan to take. The wolf hybrid let out an amused huff of air and took the winged man's hand. They made their way further into the center of Atlantis. The closer they got to the Lost City's centerpiece, the more one noticed the amount of people who lived here. The hustle and bustle near the center was almost as bad as in a big city. Luckily, Byungho's wings naturally created space for them. Despite not one soul daring to even look at Byungho weirdly, his gigantic black wings did have the effect of making people try to pass them without touching the feathered extremities. Though, demi-dragons experienced a similar thing. Most creatures seemed to have a lot of respect for creatures with big wings. It could be traced back to simple manners, but it was probably more in line with most winged creatures such as demi-dragons and harpies being considered powerful.

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