Mis - treated

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"What?" I glare over at Lucille with hatred. She's standing at the doorway to the living room. "Stop staring and make yourself useful!" I hold out an empty glass of wine. "Go on . . ."

She shakily grabs it from my hand, heading to the kitchen. I look back at the report I have due Monday and grunt. "Jacob, that girl distracts me and makes me so stressed. I can't take it anymore!"

When she returns with my drink, I spit in her face. "Now, go to your room."

She stands  there holding her belly. "I don't care. wait for breakfast. If I catch you snacking, you'll have a trip to the dentist."

She retreats in fear and I smile. "A little fear and they do what you say. Rotten pigs anyway."


Wake up, Lucille!" I scream and shake her awake. "Your new school is waiting on you to get your lazy ass out of bed. I smack her face when she just lays there. "I said GET UP!"

I leave her to get dressed and go downstairs.  I pour a small bowl of cereal for her and leave it out. I hear her footsteps approaching and when she starts eating, I scream at her to hurry up. "Eat faster!" When the bowl isn't finished I take it away. "Just starve you ungrateful shit."

As we approach the school, I get out, leaving her to sit on a bench. I find Mrs. Renee and begin talking about Lucille. "You see, she hasn't spoken since she was born. The doctors haven't found anything out and we were hoping that having her around some peers that she might feel comfortable to try at least. We've put her through speech therapy and flashcards but nothing seems to be working." I produce some tears for show. "I just want my baby happy and healthy, you know?"

"I completely understand, Miss. Vaughn. It must be heartbreaking. I'll do my best to make her feel comfortable and I'm sure the other children will as well."

"She had a bullying problem at her last school and they did nothing about it. I hope West Park High is different."

"Guaranteed. Thank you for meeting with me. I'm sure everything will be just fine."

I give a pity smile  and turn to leave. When I reach the car, I turn around. "Hey! You better not screw this up!"
Lucille doesn't even spare a glance.

As I head home, I make some calls and pay off some bills. HER bills. Lousy child.  I should have never let her move here. This house was a nightmare before her and now it's a fucking nightmare. She doesn't deserve any good things. And when I have time, I'm going to kill that little bitch.

As I turn onto the road leading to my house,  my anger turns into rage. Why does my life have to be so difficult? I swear if I ever get my hands on the bitch...

My eyes widen as the car swerved but I regain control and take a breath.   No one sees me like that. I'm supposed to be an adult. A mother figure. A parent. Someone to love and protect them. But no. I am nothing more than a sad alcoholic who doesn't give two flying fucks about anyone or their opinion.
The rest of the drive passes relatively slowly making me want to hit Lucille for ruining everything. If I wouldn't have had to take her to school this wouldn't be happening.

My eyes start burning as tears gather in my eyes. Stupid kid.  She was such a crybaby before and now look where it's gotten her. What would it take for her to grow up? To not be such a weakling? Maybe then I could finally move on. Move on from her.

I slam on the brakes and the car stops. I quickly walk inside the house slamming the door behind me. I storm into the bathroom trying not to look like a crazy person. My heart is racing and my breathing feels heavy.
I grab the bottle of pills I keep in a cabinet by the sink.

I take my heart medicine and begin feeling better. I forgot to take it before I left.  My breathing evens out and I calm down.  I finish my business before walking back into the hallway.

I turn my head to the right and I spot my favorite black purse on my desk. I open it up and begin rifling through its contents. There's a couple dollars here and there. That' s all the money I have. I don't really need it because my job pays the rent. But I'm broke enough as it is without taking money from someone else.

That stupid bitch stole all our cash too.  She burnt it in the oven when we weren't home.  She was a fucking idiot. Just another reason why I hate her and why she needs to learn a lesson.

"Why are you making all this noise? GO TO BED." I grab her arm as tight as I can and shove her onto the bed. "Jacob, get the duct tape."

She whines and fights back but we hold her down as I bound her legs and arms behind her back. I stick a piece around her head for the mouth.

Before I can put one over her eyes, Jacob speaks up. "Honey, we can't leave any marks."

I sigh, "Next time I'll cover your nose too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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