Chapter Thirteen, Answers

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Point of View - Elma Farfalla Bianchi

      Breathing in and out again. Let's do this! Walking through the inside garage door that goes to the main entrance. Now seeing things in a different view than being overwhelmed earlier from my new surroundings. I see a chandelier in the ceiling. The entrance seems to be two stories so there is a balcony over facing it. Standing in the middle of the room facing the way you come into a door.

      On my right under the balcony it looks like there is a lounge area with a room behind the stairs. Turning around facing the door I see a table. It was just a plain dark wood table by the door. What's the purpose of it? Shrugging my shoulder and just started to walk to the kitchen. Let's see if I can find it again.

      Bump, I look up and see the sweet and kind Mateo. He's like six feet plus and I am just five. When he saw who he bumped into he hugged me. "I am glad you returned." We both peel each other.

      "Of course I did. Didn't I say that I will return." I said being the sweet angel in a sarcastic way.

       "Ya, at breakfast and it's past lunch right now." Mateo exposed my lateness.

      "I got sidetracked." I started scratching the top of my head with a smile.

       We sat down in the living room. "Things went boom when you left and I can't believe you fought Father." Mateo had an impressed reaction on face.

      "It's a thing I have been trying to manage recently." My cheesy smile came back while shrugging with my shoulders.

      Mateo changed his poster. "You should go see Damien and Father." His enthusiasm went away.

      "Do I have one too?" I lowered my head looking to the ground as I whined.

      "Yes," Mateo says while dragging me by my arm to the third floor. Where the offices are.

     "M-a-t-e-o!" I whined at him as we went up the second set of stairs. Planting myself hard on the floor not wanting to continue.

      My older brother stopped and let go of my arm. "Do you want me to do it the hard way?" His voice turned hard as he looked into my blue eyes.

      Putting my frustrated face on, "Fine Mateo." I grumble loudly to him putting one foot in front of the other. He looks at me like I am adorable. Come on, I am mad, not adorable. My face was beaming red after looking at Mateo's face.

      We now stop in front of a plain light gray door. Mateo knocks on the door. Waiting for a minute, he gets permission to come in. I see Dad behind the desk and Damien sitting in front of the desk on his iPad. Looking to the right I see Dante and Ricco going through paperwork on the coffee table. Dad looks up, he sees me. He puts down his paperwork and smiles. "Ricco, Dante and Mateo." Dad made it clear out loud. They left Dad's office, wanting to stay and listened to the conversation.

      I kept my head facing down to the ground and I played with my fingers. Hearing a chair being pushed back. Now having fingers lifting my chin. I saw Damien's face after my head was leveled. He let go and put me into a hug. I froze again, my muscles tended but then relaxed. Melting into his arms, starting to cry into Damien's figure. "Hey, hey, we still love you, Principessa. (Princess.)" My eldest brother rubs my back.

     Dad gets up from his desk and joins the hug. Making me a squished sandwich in between them. Tilting my head up, "I-I..." Mumbled into Damien's chest while still crying.

     One of them moves my bangs while saying that. "We know you are, Principessa. (Princess.)" I recognize Dad's whispering voice to me but also loud enough for Damien to hear. We all pulled out of the hug and used my fist to wipe my tears. "Let's sit down, Principessa. (Princess.)" I hear Damien say while holding me on the shoulders. Nodding my head up and down to them. Letting go of them and sitting next to Damien on the couch. Dad pulled one of the office chairs and sat on it in front of the coffee table.

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