' Chapter 5 '

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Chica choked out a sob and buried her face in her hands. Bonnie sat by her side, rubbing comforting circles into her back and looking patient but concerned as he waited for her to speak.

"I just...don't know what I'm doing wrong! Why don't any of the children like me?? Am I annoying? Am I ugly?!" She cried. Bonnie scoffed.

"Of course you're not! Kids are just dumb, y'know?" He says.

"They're not 'dumb' when it comes to you guys!" Chica fired back. Bonnie sighed.

"Chica. You are right, you do get more hate than any of us. That's nothing against you, you're the only girl animatronic! Of course they have a lot to say about you. But you're never gonna' feel good about yourself if you're only listening to the bad stuff." He said.

Chica sniffled as he continued.

"You're beautiful, lil' chick. And you have an amazing personality. If you're only gonna' listen to other's opinions, listen to mine. And listen to Freddy's and Foxy's. Because we know better."

Chica sighed, but nodded. His words did make sense.

"Thank you Bonnie..." She stuttered. She felt him wrap a strong but comforting arm around her neck, pulling her in and ruffling her head feathers playfully.

"See? I'm nice sometimes-" he joked.


Chica sat on her sofa silently, her arms crossed. Roxy was sitting right by her, arms wrapped around her knees and shooting Chica concerned looks.

Finally, the silence and Chica's sour mood was too much and Roxy got up. "Let's get outta' here." She finally said. Chica turned to her visibly confused.


"Let's get some fresh air. Come on, we can go to the race track." She insisted. Chica fidgeted with her hands, her gaze lowering.

"But...Freddy told us to stay in our rooms..." Roxanne scoffed.

"He won't even notice we're gone, come on!" She reasoned. Chica finally relented. "Should I go get Monty?" She asked. Roxy fidgeted with her claws. "Eh...he must be busy right now-" they were cut off by the sound of something slamming into the wall to the right. A loud grunt emitted from the other side. Roxy marched over to the wall and banged aggressively on it. "Keep it down, you idiot!" She yelled. Monty paused his tantrum for a minute before awkwardly yelling a "Sorry!". Roxanne sighed.

"I actually wanted to go alone. Without Monty." She turned back to Chica, her voice softening again. This was definitely odd, but the chicken had nothing better to do. So why not?

They made it to the track and Roxanne, of course, helped get her set up in her cart. Chica had never raced before and the wolf was nice enough to teach her the mechanics before racing her.

Chica was a fast learner, which impressed her. It didn't take more than ten minutes before she was driving fine. But could she win on the course?

The course was Roxanne's haven. She has hardly ever lost a race here and she intends to keep it that way. As expected with someone of such a massive ego, losing just isn't an option. And with Chica being a beginner? This was going to be a piece of cake. Just three laps on the course, first place wins.

"Good luck, pup." Chica smiled politely at the starting line, checking over her cart to prepare herself. Roxanne huffed, adjusting her bomber jacket as the light turned yellow. "Yeah, eat my du-" Roxanne paused.

"What did you just call me-?" Roxy was cut off as the light turned green and Chica sped forward, passing her. The wolf quickly snapped out of her initial shock and sped forward, hurrying to catch up to her.

The familiar wind blowing her hair and revving engine lifted her mood immediately. She breathed in the fresh air, the thrill of it all. She finally caught up with Chica. She turned to her and revved her engine obnoxiously loud to get her attention.

"You know, princess, you're not gonna' beat me at my track." She said confidently. She's become used to this. Taunting and egging kids on during the track and beating them. Parents didn't like it but kids found it cool, so she ran with it. She expects the typical reaction. Anger, crying, frustration, denial, even challenging. But she did not expect this.

Chica smiled smugly, keeping her eyes ahead. "Maybe I can, you don't even know your own course!" She taunted. Chica sped up ahead and turned. Roxy only then realized she had slowed down and wasn't paying attention to the road. When she turned ahead the railing came into view. She tried to turn but the cart still bumped into it, momentarily stopping her. She watched as Chica revved her engine back at Roxy. Leaving her in the dust.

Roxanne found herself dozing off again. She was a sore loser, and at any other time a stunt like that would have sent her into a rage. But this time she...liked it? She grinned, a hint of fondness in her smile before speeding up again to catch up with her.

The rest of the race went by smooth. Roxy found herself having more fun in this race than she's ever had. But on the final lap, she felt her competitiveness come back. The finish line was so close! Just one turn away. Chica was having so much fun, totally distracted. Without thinking Roxanne used her old best trick, and bumped into her at the turn. Chica yelled out and hit the side, her cart stopping. Roxanne turned, victory was right ahead! But something stopped her.

She looked back towards Chica. She was holding her right arm and wincing, and she looked disappointed. Roxanne abruptly stopped her cart before the finish line. Before she got out she thought for a minute.

What was she about to do? The finish line is right there!

She hopped out of her cart and jogged over to Chica. "Hey, are you ok?!" She asked. Chica put on a strained smile. "Y-yeah..it's not bad or anything. You won, congratulations!" She said. Roxanne turned back to her cart.

"The race is still on, I haven't crossed yet." She said.

"Well? Go on, what are you waiting for??" Chica encouraged. Roxanne tensed for a moment, contemplating, before she sighed and jogged behind Chica's cart.

"Roxy? What're you doing-" Chica cut herself off in shock. Roxanne was pushing her cart away from the railing.

When her cart was finally straight Roxanne smacked the back of it to get her attention.

"Go, speed up." She said. Chica was flabbergasted.


"Go ahead, come on, it's almost done!" She encouraged. Chica hesitantly started up her cart again. She sped up and crossed the finish line with ease.

Chica stopped her cart quickly, climbing out and staring at Roxanne in awe as the wolf jogged forward to catch up with her. Before Chica could speak the wolf trapped her in a tight hug, lifting her off the ground.

"You won! You're the best!" She cheered. Chica found herself laughing back.

"Thanks! I had a really good teacher." She said. Roxy set her down, caught off guard by that comment. She had expected Chica to boast or rub it in. Definitely not this.

"Is your arm ok??" Roxy finally remembered. Chica brushed it off. "I'm fine, really! It was just shock." She reassured.

With that, Roxanne sighed in relief. The two of them decided to leave back to their greenrooms again before Freddy realized they were out.


Hi! Sorry I was out a few days, I can be more consistent now tho!

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