𝗜'𝗺 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗜𝘁

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Another thing you should know is that my girlfriend is kind of popular at school. I actually...watched her before she came up to talk to me. I didn't stalk her, I swear! I just was so shy on talking to her since she was so confident, and I was just...a loser. Many girls trust her, and guys fell for her. She's loud, funny, dramatic, and basically the center of attention at school. Especially among her friends. But little does everyone know that she's actually introverted and likes to be alone. But there's another thing...she also acts differently around me at school. I'm always next to her during the day. Always. Around her friends, she makes innuendos towards me, flirts with me, and basically is all over me. Only when she's in a good mood. But when we're alone it's completely the opposite. To this day it makes me so confused. But...there's one person who doesn't like my girlfriend.

"Izuku, you haven't touched your food. Are you not hungry?" I snapped out of my trance, looking to see who said that. I met eyes with (y/n). I could feel my face get immediately hot and I looked at my plate.

"Yeah, yeah! Sorry, I was just stuck in thought. I'll eat before the bell rings." I reassured her as I picked up my fork. I could feel her soft fingers brush against my cheek, making my face hotter.

"You're so handsome, you know that?" She suddenly complimented me. I groaned a bit and buried my face in my hands, trying to calm myself down. (Y/n) giggled a bit and moved closer to me.

"Hey (y/n), could you help me with something?" Another voice suddenly asked. I looked up, only to see Kaminari standing in front of my girlfriend. She immediately nodded, standing from her seat as she stood by his side.

"I'll be back Izuku, I'll catch up with you after the bell rings." She told me, stepping further away from me. Her smile turned towards Denki, making me sink in my seat. If I'm going to be completely honest...I sort of thrive off the attention (y/n) gives me while we're at school. Since she isn't like that when we're alone...

"Deku-kun?" A familiar voice spoke. I looked up.

"Hey Uraraka." I greeted her, having her smile at me. She gripped onto her bag and looked around in some sort of caution.

"Are you still together with...(y/n)?" She brought up. I was thrown off guard. I tilted my head at her and raised a brow. I know Uraraka doesn't like (y/n) but...why ask that question?

"Yes, we're still together. Why do you ask?" I questioned her. Her nervous smile dropped and she looked to her feet.

"It's just...are you sure she's good for you? Tsu and I know how she treats you outside of school and we just have an off vibe about her." She briefly explained. I sighed and looked at my plate.

"Uraraka, I've told you many times that I'm happy with her, okay? That's just her personality. If you don't like it then that's your problem. I don't know what else to tell you." I snapped at her.

"No, it's not just that, something isn't right with her-"

"What's wrong with me?" (Y/n)'s voice chimed in. We both quickly turned our attention to (y/n) who stood behind Uraraka. I could see that Uraraka's hands were visibly shaking. She can't be that intimidated by (y/n)...right?

"N-Nothing! Sorry for troubling you both." Uraraka apologized. As she was about to leave, (y/n) grabbed her shoulder, making her flinch at her touch.

"Hey, why are you in a rush? The bell hasn't rung yet. Why don't you stay and have breakfast with Midoriya and I?" She insisted, making Uraraka shake her head. She pulled her shoulder away from (y/n)'s grasp and took off walking. (Y/n) blinked a few times before sitting next to me.

"I tried being nice to her, see?," She hinted, "what were you two talking about anyways?" She asked. I was hesitant for a moment before I opened my mouth to speak.

My Girlfriend Is Incapable of Committing Murder (ON HOLD!!!)Where stories live. Discover now