Dorm Neighbours

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It's not every day that your best friend's sister sees your penis. Then again, it's not every day that you expect your best friend's sister to crash through your dorm door, especially when you've just gotten out of the shower. But here we are.
"Oh my god, it's you! That makes this so much worse, come on. I can't believe that just happened, gross!" Maya's hands shoot up over her face as though she's attempting to rub away the image of my dick. Also something that you don't expect or ever hope will happen when a girl gets a glance at it.
"Jeez Hartley, you really know how to make a guy feel special." I pull the towel tighter on my hips to make sure it isn't going anywhere, then grab a shirt from my dresser beside the door. Maya's gaze traces the doorframe down to the floor. "I've got a shirt on now, you can look me in the eye." She purses her lips and shakes her head.
"Mm not right now I can't. I can't believe that happened." She shakes her head more and rolls her shoulders. She's really working to shake the image from her mind.
"It's not that ugly is it?"
"No! No!" She's quick to refuse, her cheeks tingeing pink, starting from close to her nose, then appearing up her cheekbones, pulling the corner of my lip with it. Her blue eyes are still scanning the floor while her hands work to part her hair down the middle, pulling long dark strands over her shoulders. I shake my own head.
"What are you doing here?" Maya steps back out into the hallway, gesturing at a mess of boxes and clothes and other belongings in the hall.
"I was trying to bring up Shanae's and my stuff to our dorm while she ran back to reception for the key and I had lots of boxes and then this girl ran out of a room and knocked me and then I fell and then I saw your penis and now I'm back in the hall and I just need to get away."
"You're doing your rambling thing, Hart. Move on from the penis thing." Her eyes meet mine, those piercing blue miniature oceans almost drowning out the sudden hollering of some other guys racing down the hall.
"Let's go people it's time!" They bang on doors trying to round up troops for their frat party tour of the night. They bounce off each other and all around the hall. My eyes can't unlock from Maya. I don't get how they don't see her. But the ignorance of a party boy never fails. The moment Maya glances to her side, the group of guys push past her and she trips forward again. Her face scrunches in a wince. I grab her arms. Delicate hands are pushing into my chest for the second time this afternoon. I spin so I'm in the hallway, all my muscles tense.
"Fuckheads, you could have knocked her over!" They don't hear me. The jolt of the spin makes Maya's head tap my chest and for a moment her hair tickles my chin. I look down at the small brunette for a second. Then she's at arms length again, this time by my doing.
"College is a bit intense, huh?" She says, giving her forehead another rub.
"They shouldn't push people around like that." I scan her features. The poor kid's been here less than a day and maybe already has a concussion with all this falling. But she offers a small laugh.
"Please, I've grown up being pushed around by you and Logan. I can handle it." I only let myself stare for one more second. Then I clear my throat.
"You probably deserved it. You are Logan's little sister after all." She pushes my arm. I barely move.
"What does that mean?"
I turn and start gathering her scattered belongings, piling the boxes up for her.
"Where do these need to go?" She walks back out into the hall. And looks down at the numbers above the doors.
"Umm," she spins around, looking at me then to the door across the hall. "There." I look to the same door that she's pointing at, then to my open door on this side of the hall, then to Maya. She shrugs her shoulders, a small smile on her lips. I sigh.
The door is unlocked and I help Maya carry her things into the room.
"You know you could have put pants on before doing this." She gestures to the towel still wrapped around my hips. I just shrug my shoulders.
"It's done now." I rest a hand on the pile of boxes now set in the middle of the dorm room. It all feels a bit empty and I want so badly to fill the awkward air in this room. I want her to say something so we can move past today's run-in.
"Thank you for helping me with these. And for stopping me from falling a second time today. I'm aiming to not be so clumsy here."
"Yeah, good luck with that. You've never been a real sure footed person Hart."
"Hey! I'm an ex-dancer, we're all graceful strategic movers!" She starts lightly jumping around, acting like the most ridiculous ballerina, getting up in my face and twirling around me. I can smell her warm perfume dancing with her. My hand snaps out, grabbing her waist and she turns into me, letting my chest catch her for a third time today.
The smell of her conditioner distracts me and we trip. She squeals. My arm snakes around her, pulling her close, twisting to catch her on the edge of the bed. There's a layer of heat that forms between us, pointing out the proximity of Maya's body to mine. Her eyes are closed and she is laughing. She is happy. I take in every joyful part of her features.
"Umm, hello?" A female voice rings from the door, accompanied by two quick knocks and a gasp. "Maya! Who is this! Girl, I was gone for twenty-five minutes!" I jolt up, jumping away from the bed, grabbing my towel again to stop it from falling. I run my fingers through my hair, pushing it back, glancing from Maya to the red-head now standing near the boxes in the middle of the room. Maya raises herself by her arms, still partially laying on the bed.
"Turns out the door was unlocked this whole time, but we do need those keys." The girl is staring at Maya. She glances at me twice, then nods her head towards me, but meeting Maya's eyes again.
"And this? Did he come with the room?" Maya laughs, finally standing.
"You wish. This is Lucas. He knows Logan." Maya pats my shoulder, walking past me. "Lucas, this is Shanae." Shanae's eyes gleam, her lips pulling into a seductive smile.
"Hello Lucas." I give her a nod and move in the direction of the door.
"Lucas is our dorm neighbour!"
"I think I'm gonna like it here," Shanae drawls, following me towards the door.
"Yeah well, it might not be for much longer at this rate. I don't think dorming near Hartley here is a great thing." I nod at Maya and her jaw drops in offence. I raise my hands in surrender. "What? You're Logan's baby sister." She groans at me, rolling her eyes as I walk past her into the hall.
"When it comes to college, that means nothing." We turn to face each other. She's lazily leaning against the side of the door. I notice her shirt sliding down her shoulder, exposing her collarbone. My eyes trace it up her neck, to her jaw, across her lips, meeting her ocean eyes once more.
"It means everything."
The oceans roll again, Maya mumbling something about Logan already influencing her college experience before shutting the door on me.
It's not Logan that could ruin everything though.

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