Chapter 6

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Younghee POV

"Hmm.. oh, where am I?" I said while wake up and then as I turned my head there's seokjin beside me

Ah.. I remember that I sleep at Seokjin's mansion as we almost break up.. but I relief that our problem got solved that quickly..

"Hmm.. why you woke up so early? Here sleep again.." Seokjin said then he make me lied down on bed again then hugged me

"what time is it?" I said

"It's 1:00 AM" Seokjin said

"Ahh.. no wonder your eyes red" I said

"Yeah.. just sleep again with me.." Seokjin said hugged me even tighter

"I can't sleep anymore.. " I said

"Hmm.. how about I bring you to my world?" Seokjin said

"Woahh.. of course I want to go there.. I'm curious about a vampire's world.." I said

"Alright.. now be prepared because I will create a portal to my dimension.." Seokjin said then he opened his portal with his power

"Is it okay if i'm not changed clothes first? It's okay if i'm use your clothes.." I ask

"Nah.. you don't need to change your clothes, just use your current clothes.. oh btw take this.." Seokjin said then he give me something.

"What is this?" I ask

"It's a fake vampire scent perfume, it can last on 3-4 hours.. since you're human, I don't want other vampire to know you as a rare blood human.. so with that they will think you as a vampire too.." Seokjin said

"Alright I will use it.." I said then spray it to my entire body

"Good, now let's go since the portal opened.." Seokjin said

Then we going in to the portal, and it lead to a unknown world that I never go before..

"Woahh.. the place is just like in the fantasy land.." I said

The place is not really different from human world, but what's different is of course there's no restaurant, market or anything relate to food since their food are blood..

"So, how they will eat if there's no restaurant or market?" I ask

"Since vampire dimension are only vampire that live there, before human and vampire make a peace, we only drink a blood from animals because no human live here.. but since government make a peace between Human and Vampire, they receive a pack of blood for free from Ravenbrench and the government ask help from me everytime they want to give a pack of blood to them.." Seokjin said

"Ahh.. I see, so Ravenbrench's government is so kind to your dimension.." I said

"Yeah.. so i'm grateful to live at Ravenbrench and I can help my fellow too in this dimension.." Seokjin said

"Oh, what shop is that?? Is that sell a potion or something?" I ask while notice a potion shop

"Ahh.. that shop not only sell potion, but also a armor in case our dimension got attacked.." Seokjin said

"Ohh.. I wanna go there.." I said

"Alright.." Seokjin said

Then we entered the shop and I can see there's so much armor and also potion

"Whoaa.. that armor look like heavy.." I said

"Yeah of course, but take a look at this.." Seokjin said

"Why they sell a basic thin clothes? is that clothes can be an armor too?" I ask

"Don't underestimate this armor, although is just like a basic clothes, but the clothes has a power to resist a pain of getting hit from an enemy when you get attacked." Seokjin said

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