Call Hyungs.

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Jungkook's six hyungs were angry.

The band hadn't debuted yet and were working tirelessly on debut content, and were just informed they'd be traveling down south of the country for a schedule.

But Jungkook wasn't allowed to go.

He wasn't allowed to go because he was 15 years old and the company told the members that the event location was a 16 and up venue. Namjoon said that if Jungkook can't go, they didn't want to either but the company got angry and yelled at him.

Within the two years that the group had been a band and living together, they were never separated. Ever. Nobody was ever left alone without someone else from the group right there beside them. So this was new, and nobody in the group liked the idea of it.

They were told that the company would set Jungkook up at a staff members house. None of the hyungs agreed to that because it was a staff member they'd never met and they weren't comfortable leaving their youngest with some complete stranger, whether it was a staff member or not. Unfortunately nobody in the band had much say in the matter and just got screamed at more for 'being defiant and not good team players.'

In the end Jungkook said they shouldn't risk their jobs over it, and he'd just suck it up if he really had to.

The day came when they had to drop Jungkook off at the staff members house, who they were informed was named Igo and he was from their IT department at the BigHit building.

Igo greeted them all at his door and let them in. Jungkook had packed lightly and only brought a backpack with some clothes and his toothbrush, but his hyungs took it upon themselves to pack him a huge suitcase with other things he might need. Practically half their dorm was in the suitcase.

Jungkook didn't realize just how shy he would feel until he was actually in Igo's house. He immediately felt himself getting nervous and worried about the week ahead as he took deep breaths.

All of the hyungs started discussing to Igo everything Jungkook liked to do in his free time and all the stuff in the suitcase, his favorite foods, what time he usually goes to bed, etc.

"There's more clothes if he needs them," Jin started. "There's some games and some medicine.."

Taehyung cut Jin off and pulled out a blanket, "And his favorite blanket! It's his favorite because I got it for him. He likes to sleep with it." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook felt his face turn bright pink with embarrassment. He nudged Taehyung and whispered, "Hyung please.."

Taehyung caressed Jungkook's cheek playfully," What, maknae? We all know you like to sleep with your blankie."

"Taehyung!" Jungkook cried as more embarrassment filled his chest. All of the hyungs started chuckling. He realized his hyungs were acting like a mother dropping off their newborn baby with a stranger and he hated it. He felt nervous and shy enough already and they were making it worse. At the same time he really didn't want them to go. He was going to miss them terribly.

Jimin wrapped Jungkook in his arms and rocked him back and forth. "Take good care of him please," Jimin said to Igo as he kissed Jungkook's head, "He's our baby."

All of the hyungs started going on and on about how much they were going to miss Jungkook and how he was their favorite maknae in the entire world.

"This is quite a long goodbye," Igo said. There was some annoyance in his voice.

"We've never done this before," Yoongi replied. Jimin started crying, which then made Hobi and Jin start crying too. Everyone pulled Jungkook into a hug and as much as he didn't want to, he also started crying.

Call Hyungs [Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now