Morning in Australia

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The car door opened. Ant, who had been belted in and ready to go for upwards of ten minutes, looked up from his phone to adopt a look familiar to the man on the receiving end. Dec appeared, having hauled himself up from the ground and into the oversized Jeep, and he refused to look at Ant's indignant, and yet resigned, smirk.

"Don't! I'm too tired." He protested before Ant could open his mouth. "Morning, Jess," He shouted to the front, and yawned into the back of his hand as he sat down. It was dark, and the world was quiet, and still; bathed in blue. No one should have to be up this early. He thought Ant was mad for liking it.

"Morning!" Jess replied, pressing send on a text before starting the car, which rumbled obnoxiously into life. It was the same routine every morning, and secretly she was grateful for a little quiet time before starting the day properly.

"I wasn't going to say anything, actually. You were just getting one of my trademark withering looks," Ant insisted, the smirk still playing on his face, as the car moved slowly out of the car park.

"I'm shattered."

"I know, Declan, we have the same schedule," Ant teased. "Good morning, by the way."

Dec turned his head to give him a tired, winning smile.

"Good morning. Hush your face, anyway. I have two children under five." Dec retorted, rubbing his eyes. That was his trump card. And then, feeling bad: "who are the light of my life."

"And are with your wife, visiting her family," Ant volleyed back.

"That ..." Dec said, laughing, his hands reaching for his seatbelt, "is beside the point. It's residual. God, it's freezing." He clicked himself in and shivered, rubbing his arms.

"You cold?"

"Yeah!" He looked over at Ant. "Aren't you? You're in shorts, man!"

"Yeah well it's gonna be hot later, isn't it! We're in Australia, bebeh." Ant laughed, and lifted his arm to lay it along the headrest. "Come here," he beckoned him over with his head, and Dec looked at him, confused.

"I've just done me seatbelt."

"Just undo it! Come on. Come and have a cuddle with Ant."

"In the back of the car, eh?" Dec replied, his demeanour switching. "You gonna warm me up?"

"Yes. With my big arms." Ant teased, and Dec rolled his eyes with affection as he let his seatbelt go. He slid carefully over to the middle seat as Ant beamed, yet again putting Dec in mind of a big, bounding, loving dog, and was promptly enveloped Ant held him tight, vigorously rubbing his arm with both hands, as Dec sat passively, an amused, put-upon look on his face, unable to move a muscle.

"That better? Hm?" Ant asked, barely suppressing laughter as he squeezed him within an inch of his life. "That better?" He ceased rubbing, and leaned his head back to look at him.

"Think I'm going to get a rash on my arm ..." Dec joked, looking down at the grip Ant still had on him, and Ant gave a trademark "HA!"

He put on a serious face.

"Are you warm?"

Dec looked back up at him with a slight smirk and a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, that's better, thank you. I'm very warm now," he assured, fanning himself down.

"Good!" Ant exclaimed, triumphant, arms still tight around him, and Dec made to pull away, expecting to return to his seat. He was met with some resistance.

"Will you let me go please?"

"No!" Ant grinned. "You look very cuddly and cute in that jumper, you know," he nodded down at the navy crew neck. In turn, Dec looked down at his jumper and laughed.

"Why thank you," he replied, preening. Then cocked his head, and frowned, with comic timing. "I think."

"Sorry I meant very manly," he assured, loosening his grip.

"That's better." He turned to smile at Ant, who let his right arm fall into his lap as Dec suppressed a yawn.

"Come on." Ant touched his shoulder gently, pulling him in, and Dec rested his head against him.

It was getting lighter outside, and they cruised steadily down the otherwise carless road. It was an easy drive at this time of day, and the prospect of a fun show kept them happy.

Ant looked out at the passing view, unremarkable but so special to them both. He felt Dec's body nestled into his side, warm and familiar. The same body he'd lain against thirty years ago, on the drive to gigs, to interviews, to the studio. Older, broader, and more tired, but the same. More full of life, and love. Still here, with him.

"Hey," Ant said softly. He pressed a kiss to his head.

Dec made a contented noise, and briefly rested his hand on Ant's stomach.


The car moved quietly on, and when they passed the big tree that meant the turn to the studio was imminent, they wordlessly untangled themselves.

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