Step 1: what is modesty?

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     To be frank, it depends. Different people experience and explain it differently. The way i explain it is:
Modesty is a way of protecting the self, wether it be spiritually, physical, or emotionally.

     Modesty can be practiced multiple ways as well. Some ways I've seen modesty being practiced are:

1. Covering the body and wearing physically modest clothing

2. Keeping large parts of the mind for ones self and only telling people very close, being mentally modest

3. Not allowing anyone to get control over long term feelings or put ones self in vulnerable situations without trust, being emotionally modest

     When using these methods, remember that there is a line that can and will be crossed if someone isnt ready for it. Infact, being modest isnt for everyone and most people will take awhile to get used to this. That doesnt mean one shouldnt try, but maybe ease into it and dont just step on the gas.

      A lot of the time, something people confuse is that modesty only acounts to physical types of modesty, but modesty can be practiced without dressing modestly. However, this doesnt mean that one should dress immodestly. Infact, i would recommend practicing physical modesty before trying a lot of emotional or mental modesty.

      It is also important to remember that most might already be practicing one or all of these modest virtues. If someone wants to know if they are, they should ask themself these questions:

1. Do I cover more than 75% of my body when in public or with people?

2. Do I keep a lot of secrets to myself even if they are small and unimportant simply because no one needs to know them?

3. Do I keep people at a distance just to make sure they cant control me?

      Modesty might have been learned from experience, paranoia, education, or trauma but some pratice it as a habit.

      Modesty is commonly seen as a religious practice, but its really not.

      Thank you for reading throught the first of many chapters of this amazing concept.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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Modesty; the virtue: as explained by an experienced personWhere stories live. Discover now