041. bank robbery

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"So, what's it like being an FBI guy?" Frannie asks Dean as she walks out of the back room with some papers.

"Well, it's dangerous. And the secrets we've gotta keep, oh. God, the secrets. But mostly it's... it's lonely." Dean says. Jacob fights every muscle to not roll his eyes, wishing that Sam would've got stuck with Dean instead.

"I so know what you mean." Frannie says.

"Yeah." Dean nods sadly.

"Helena was our head buyer. She... she was family, you know? She said it herself, every year at the Christmas party. She said we were the only family she had." The manager says.

"So there were never any signs that she'd do something like this?" Sam asks.

"No. Still can't believe it, even now. That night, Helena came back to the store after closing. Cleaned out all the display cases, and the safe. Edgar -- our night watchman -- he caught her in the act. He didn't know what to do, he'd known her for years. He called me at home."

"And that's when she took his gun?" Natalie asks.

"She shot him in the face. I heard him. Over the phone." The manager says.

"Any idea what her motive could have been?" Sam asks.

"What motive? It makes no sense. Why steal all those diamonds, all that jewelry, and then what? Just dump it somewhere? Just hide it and go home?"

"She killed herself?" Jacob asks.

"Well, the cops said she dropped the hair dryer in the bath and fried herself. They know should know, right?" Frannie asks.

"Yeah. Well, thanks, Frannie, I think that's all I need." Dean says.

"Really? Because I've got more. You know, if you wanted to interview me sometime. In private?" She quietly says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Dean says and Jacob rolls his eyes. "You're a true patriot, you really are. Why don't you write your number down there for me, that'd be good."

Frannie gives Dean her number before the two hunters make their way over to the twins.

"Are you ever capable of keeping it in your pants?" Jacob asks. Dean gives him an annoyed look, but doesn't answer.

"So you never saw the security camera footage yourself, then?" Sam asks.

"No. The police, they took all the tapes, first thing." The manager says.

"Yeah, of course they did." Dean says.


The Winchesters pull up to a small house, stepping out of the car and into the light rain.

"Five. This is it." Sam says.

"Fucking cops." Dean mutters.

"They're just doing their job, Dean." Sam says. Natalie hands him Libby and he takes her. Sam puts the hood of her jacket up to block the rain from hitting her head. Ophelia gets out of the car and holds Dean's hand.

Libby rests her head on Sam's shoulder, tired, but unable to fall asleep. She sticks her tongue out, feeling a few raindrops fall on it and on her face. Libby hugs Eeyore tighter to her chest, cuddling into her dad for warmth and comfort.

"No, they're doing our job, only they don't know it, so they suck at it." Dean says. "Talk to me about this bank."

"Uh, Milwaukee National Trust. It was hit about a month ago." Sam informs.

"Same M.O. as the jewelry store?" Dean asks.

"Yep, inside job, longtime employee, the never in a million years type. Dude robs the bank, then goes home and supposedly commits suicide." Sam says.

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