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It was the 3rd of December. Beomgyu was running to the store to grab a few things for his mom. He didn't have a car. Snow on the ground made it hard to ride his bike. Plus, he falls off of it too much anyways.

Only did he close the garage of his house did he realize he forgot his jacket.

But, whatever it's just a quick run to the store.

On his way there, he bumped into his best friend, Taehyun.

"Gyu!" He called. Beomgyu looked behind him to see Taehyun just chilling on the park swings with a girl.

"Hm? Hyunnie! Hi! Who's this?" Beomgyu asks.

"She's my childhood friend!" Taehyun responds.

"Hello!" She greets. Beomgyu just waves at her.

"Ehh? Where is your jacket? Aren't you cold?" Taehyun exclaimed after looking more carefully at him.

"Aha, yeah. But it's cool. I just forgot it at home." Beomgyu stops speaking as he sees Taehyun unravel the sweater he had tied to his waste.

"Wear this." He said, handing him the sweater. It was a cute beige color.

"I'm fine, you know."

"Gyuu! I don't want you getting sick!"

"Ok, ok. Finee! I'll wear it." Beomgyu pouts as he puts the sweater on, blushing but no one would know since they'll think it's just the cold making his cheeks red.

With a proud look, Taehyun ruffles Beomgyu's hair and gets back on the swing. "Alright, you can go back to what you were doing now."

"Ok!" So Beomgyu walks away, not before taking a quick glance at the girl with a slight frown.

'I want to hang out with Taehyunie..' he thinks to himself. 'Oh I know! After shopping I can go see him again!'

So he quickly does his job then rushed back to the two. "Oh.." he says as he is seeing Taehyun helping his friend button her jacket.

"Silly, you can't go unbuttoning your coat. It's cold you know?"

"I know, it just feels sooo uncomfortable when it's buttoned."

Beomgyu sighed and just carried on walking, not bothered to look behind him again.

He had to give his mom the chocolate she wanted anyway.

When he got home, he left the chocolate on the table then went outside again. He decided to take another walk to clear his mind.

Seeing the two together made his chest hurt and he didn't know why. He knew he was jealous, because they are childhood friends, meaning she was definitely a better friend than he was. It made him feel sad knowing there was someone out there better for Taehyun.

Huffing, Beomgyu kicked the snow behind him.

"Ack!" Surprised, Beomgyu turned around quickly. There, Taehyun was standing in front of him, throwing snow off of his arms.

"Hyunnie? What are you doing here?" Beomgyu frowned as he walked closer, helping him get rid of the snow that he somehow managed to kick onto his hair.

"Y-You didn't hear me when I called your name so I followed you." He replied.

"Oh. My bad." Beomgyu looked away.

"Is something wrong? You don't look so well."

"Yeah, everything's good. I'm just thinking about things.." Beomgyu hung his head low.

"Well, if it's something you need help with, I'm always here for you!" Taehyun smiled, clinging onto Beomgyu's arm.

Beomgyu smiled. "Thank you. I'll be here for you too."

"Yay! This is why you're my favorite person on earth!"

"Oh? Really?"

"Of course! No one can compare to you. After all, I love you. More than friends. Heh." Taehyun lets go. "Sorry if that came out so suddenly."

Beomgyu smiled and hugged Taehyun. "I love you too."

And he will never tell Taehyun he was jealous of his childhood friend.

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