Chapter 47

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Julian POV

I adored her. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from her. She was beautiful. She was so cute. She looked and sounded just like my Jo.

My Jo would adore her. My Jo would be in love with her little girl. My Jo would do anything and everything to protect her.

Just like I would.

I really wanted to hold her, but I could tell how nervous she was. I could tell that she didn’t want me to hug her, and I wasn’t going to force it. I was going to wait.

As I watched her with Gabriel, I couldn’t help but compare them to Jo and me. I could tell that Gabriel would be a great brother. I could tell how much he loved her. I could tell how badly he wanted to protect her.

I could tell it all just by the way he glared at us. He knew that we would never hurt her, but he was still careful. He still kept her safe.

I was proud of him. He would always be her biggest protector. Just as I was Jo’s.

Henry’s phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket. He frowned and stood up.

“Is everything okay?” I asked him.

“It’s Owen.” Henry mumbled as he walked away from us. “I will be right back.”

I watched him as he left the living room.

What did Owen want? Did he find something out?

“Is Gabriel treating you right, shortie?” Luke asked Aria, making me turn my attention back to them.

“Yes.” she smiled, looking at her brother. “He is the best.”

Gabriel smiled and kissed her temple.

“Just wait until he starts to annoy you.” Luke smirked.

“Shut up, Lucas.” Gabriel sighed, rolling his eyes.

“What?” Luke said, still smirking. “She will get annoyed. I get annoyed with Andrew all the time.”

“Because you are a little shit, and I have to remind you of that all the time.” Andrew said, poking Luke in the ribs.

“See what I’m talking about, shortie?” Luke sighed, swatting Andrew’s hand away. “Annoying.”

Aria chuckled and shook her head. Gabriel rolled his eyes, pulling Aria closer to him.

“I couldn’t be happier that you got your sister back, bud.” I said to Gabriel. “I always knew that you would be a wonderful brother.”

Gabriel looked at me and nodded.

“I always knew I was a brother.” he said. “I always knew that I had a sibling.”

I nodded, giving him a soft smile.

Aria leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The way he hugged her reminded me of the way I would always hold my Jo when she was scared or upset.

I missed her. God, I missed my Jo so fucking much. I saw her in Aria, and I had to remind myself that she wasn’t Jo. She wasn’t my sister. She wasn’t my Jo.

No matter how much I wanted her to be.

Henry walked back into the living room, and I could tell that he was pissed as fuck.

“What happened, dad?” Gabriel asked him immediately.

He could tell that Henry wasn’t okay. All of us could tell that he wasn’t okay.

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