The Rooftop [1]

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Author's Note: Heya! This is 'Thoughts Of Death'. [Please note that none of this is based on real events] This is a story mostly about a 16 year old boy named Oliver. He has had a difficult life, and sometimes he feels like he can't handle it anymore. If you have had, or know someone who has had, any thoughts of suicide, call [988] for any help. Just know there is always hope. I hope you like this story! I hope it brings some realization to some of you readers. (If you have any questions, feel free to comment them and ask!) Here it is!


Sydney walked out onto the rooftop, her sanctuary. She was wearing her purple dress. 'Such a long day of work.' She thought. She looked over to the right and saw a boy standing close to the edge of the roof. He looked young; he had dark brown hair and was on the shorter side of things. As she was trying to take in the situation, the boy began to lean over the edge.

"HEY, STOP!" Sydney ran and grabbed the boy by his shoulders, throwing him back.

"OWW!" yelled the boy as he landed on his back. "What are you doing.."

"WHAT AM I DOING?! NO! THE REAL QUESTION IS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Sydney yelled, panic spread across her face.

"...n-nothing... I was just looking over the edge..." The boy mumbled.

"Lies" growled a young woman behind them. She wore a short burgundy red dress, with a leather jacket over it. "I saw the whole thing."

"Oh, Bellatrix! This kid..." Sydney mumbled.


"Yes I know." Bellatrix yawned. She had been sleeping minutes ago.

"We need to get you to some sort of hospital..." Sydney began.


Sydney looked at Bellatrix. "What?"

Bellatrix sighed. "Those psychology hospitals never work anyway. He'll stay with me."

The boy stared at Bellatrix. "T-Thank you... nobody is ever this nice to me... except-"

"You better get going then." huffed Sydney. "Are you upset?" asked Bellatrix. "No... I just think he needs professional help..." Sydney said. "He'll be fine." laughed Bellatrix.

Bellatrix held out her hand for the boy to hold, but he flinched. Taking a moment to understand, she withdrew her hand and gestured for the boy to follow her. As they climbed back down, Bellatrix was careful to keep a close eye on him, when she saw the look on his face.

He was terrified

The boy was trembling the whole time, she remembered now.

Bellatrix led the boy to his room, a guest room. Everything in it was black and white and gray. "Those are me favorite colors." whispered the boy. "Are they? Well then, it's perfect." Bellatrix thought for a moment. "Hey kid, tell me about yourself." They walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "O-Okay..." the boy stuttered. "My name is Oliver Helton and I'm 16..." "Oliver? What a nice name!" smiled Bellatrix. Oliver looked at Bellatrix.
"Thanks, I guess..."

-Several days later-


Oliver sat in his room with his headphones on, (Bellatrix had bought them for him), humming to the song and practicing folding laundry.

"You should sing more"

Oliver froze. "That voice..." he thought. He whipped around. "ZACK!?" Zack was wearing his beloved leather jacket, black boots, and what stood out the most, a pink and purple rubber band bracelet that was falling apart, it was made by his little sister.

Oliver threw himself at Zack, who wasn't prepared for the blow, and they both landed on the floor. Oliver wrapped his arms around Zack.

"How did you know where I was??" asked Oliver. He had run from home, aiming for the rooftop. "I always have your location.." Zack held up his wristwatch and laughed. His smile was big, and his jet-black hair shook as he laughed.

"Oh yea haha..." Oliver laughed, holding up his matching watch. "I missed you." Zack's face suddenly went cold. He sat up, grabbing Oliver snd taking him close. "I did too... but also talked with Bellatrix...." He said sternly. The cheer in Oliver's eyes disappeared. "Oh.." He said. He sat leaned against his bed. "Why didn't you tell me.." Zack's eyes began to water. "I could've helped you get out of your head.."

Oliver's eyes closed. "No no no no..." He began to shake. " I'm sorry... it got so bad..." He began to cry. "Hey... it's okay..." Zack's gaze softened. He took Oliver's hands and gave them a small squeeze. Zack ran his fingers through Oliver's hair. He wiped his eyes; he knew Oliver needed him to be calm. "Shhh.."

Total Words: 770

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