Sindri x Reader ~ Consequences of the Past

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Another and another and another and another. His hands moved perfectly synced, his metal that of only the finest quality. Yet no matter how many times, no matter how many hours- how many days he would spend in his little shop, nothing was going right. At least, not right enough. Because what he was working on, toiling over and stressfully sweating over couldn't just be good, hel it couldn't even be great! No. It had to be everything. It had to shine with pristine shape, gleam with wondrous color, and sparkle under even the dimmest light. All of which was incredibly difficult to achieve when he couldn't even get the idea down perfectly.

So with burning frustration that rivaled the sweltering of the heated metal, he threw his hammer down before throwing himself into a nearby chair. He was angry at himself; at his imperfect hands and their imperfect work. He felt so incredibly defeated. He had never struggled this much with his work before! It all just came so naturally! Why now did his own skills betray him-?

"Now what's gone and got you're pants in a crack? Throwin' hammers is supposed ta be my thing you know" his brother spoke, causing a further look of annoyance to spread on his face before falling, instead replaced by nervousness upon realizing his brother shouldn't- no, couldn't know what he was doing. No no, that would be utterly humiliating, mortifying! No, he couldn't tell him.

"Nothing!" He quickly spat out a yell that carried both his nervousness and his irritation clearly, even if he had meant to hide them. He quickly shoved his work away, metal and tools dropping everywhere as he did. Brok simply stared a moment, holding back a laugh at his brother's frantic movements.

As if he didn't already know.

"Ifs I didn't know any better I'd say you's tryin' ta hide somethin' from me" Brok played along, Sindri swiftly turning his head in the direction of his brother, a feigned attempt at shock found in his face.

"What- of course not! I would never- me? I would never do that-" Sindri stuttered and stumbled, utterly incapable of keeping his cool. Brok chuckled a moment before taking some steps closer.

"You's about as good a liar s'a man with his thoughts on his tongue, now get on outta the way!" Brok accused, Sindri frantic to hold back his brother though not willing to touch him to do so. So the man barreled past him, grabbing at his brother's sketched drawings and failed pieces. He paused once he did so, his eyes staring over what Sindri had been so busy with the past couple of days. He was surprised by what he saw as he scanned over idea after idea. All scrapped, all not good enough. His teasing smile at having finally gotten to see these papers faded, a hint of confusion falling over him.

"Hm...what's wrong with these?" He asked, holding up the papers to him. Sindri, now unsure of how to handle the situation, gave him a blank look. Did he have to tell him now? Did he already know? Why was he looking at him like that? Sindri could answer none of these questions. However, he was able to answer Brok's.

"They just- they don't look right! None of them are right! They're not what they-!" Sindri paused, allowing his irritated state to cool so as not to yell anymore and understand his thoughts more clearly.

"They have to be perfect...And none of them are" Sindri finally clearly explained his actions, his face as serious as this work was to him. Brok only found his grin again, almost amused at his brother's distress over something so simple.

"Ya act like they ain't gonna like whatever ya give 'em" he commented, which made Sindri burn red with embarrassment.

'So he does know' he thought, feeling as if he just wanted to burn himself alive at his point. He soon snatched the drawing from Brok, quickly placing them back on the table as he noted to redraw them on clean paper later.

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