Hermione was the first to wake in the morning, as she spent most of the evening tossing and turning in bed allowing much needed sleep to escape her. Currently she laid relaxed listening to the sound of Ron breathing beside her. His deep, steady breaths and light snoring strangely felt comforting to her. Slowly as not to wake Ron she turns and lays her head upon his chest and begins to sob softly.
Ron woke with a start as an indescribable pain in his chest radiated. Upon waking he feels Hermione’s head resting on his chest and a wet coolness as her quiet tears soaked through his shirt. Ron raises his hand and caresses her face while kissing her on top of her head. Ron had no words of comfort for Hermione but he knew he awoke from the pain in his heart as he sympathized with the pain Hermione was experiencing. Tightly he held her against him as he tried to will the pain from her and absorb it his-self.
Shortly after they had awakened the delightful odor of breakfast began to drift into the room. They knew Tina must be up preparing breakfast for her husband and guests. They left the comfort of each-other’s arms and began to get ready for the day.
When they finally arrived in the kitchen they were shocked to find that it was Thomas who had prepared breakfast. Tom looked up to see their surprised faces, “Mornin’, Ron and Hermione. Fancy some breakfast?”
“Absolutely I am starving.” Ron stated as he took a seat and began piling food on to the plate in front of him. Hermione took a seat as well but merely picked at the food on her plate.
Once the task of breakfast was completed and the dirty dishes sent to the sink for cleaning Thomas ushered his guests out so that they could meet with the Minister. Once at the edge of Thomas’s yard Ron and Hermione to ahold onto his arm and with a pop they were gone.
They reappeared in the office of Minister Thumbuck, who jumped in shock as she was not expecting any visitors. Hermione noticed that accompanying the Minister’s shocked reaction were obvious signs of fatigue as she too was sporting dark bags beneath her eyes from the lack of sleep. Thomas rushed forward and began to talk to the Minister in a hushed yet earnest tone.
The two conferred for a moment of two before the Minister turned her attention to Ron and Hermione, “I am sorry but there is nothing else we can do Miss Granger. The Aurors assigned to watch over your parents are also missing and we fear dead. Urged strongly by my advisors we can no longer remain involved in your efforts without going public and doing so after the events of last night would be disastrous. I will allow Auror Jones to continue to assist you in any way he is able to do so but that is all. I’m sorry.”
Anger rushed to Ron’s face as his tone changed to match that of his hair, “So you’re not even going to look for your own missing people?”
“Mr. Weasley we have had twenty witches and wizards bloody go missin' since the downfall of your Lord Voldemort, while we had placed a few Aurors ta watch over Miss. Granger’s family we have bloody limited manpower at the moment. I don’t have to tell yoos that the internal matters of the Aussie Ministry are none of your concern, but we do have our hands full with matters of our own. That is all, Miss Granger once again me sympathies and bonzer luck.” Minister Thumbuck stated and then returned to her desk and work completely ignoring the others in the room clearly dismissing them.
With that Thomas ushered Ron and Hermione out of the Minister’s office. He then led them to an elevator and ushered them in before he entered as well. “I need to make a quick stop at my office and then we’ll be on our way.”
“Tom, I need to contact my Minister of Magic perhaps he can assist us or possibly send us some additional help.” Hermione advised.
“Of course Hermione we can do that in my office.” Tom assured.

Harry Potter and A New Chapter of Life
RandomHarry and his friends have defeated Lord Voldemort what's next. As they try to regain their lives the encounter surprises and more dangers, yet they find time for the things that are important, family,friends, and love.