How did this happen?

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It was a normal day in Osaka Japan streets were bustling with people men and women off to work in the early morning, as the school kids walking with friends to school a normal day but unfortunately not everything will be normal as today will be the start of hell as The world knows it.
The time was 7:50 as a girl was on her way to school her father waved her of for her day she would walk on her way to school her headphones in as she would listen to her favorite song. As she would be walking she would finally arrive at her school, she sighs and walks through the gates, walking through the front doors she would change her shoes and swing her bag over her shoulder walking to her class. This young girl is koko Terahi, she's known to be kind only to those close to her though she is the type of person to stand up for others as she would get to her class she would be greeted by her friend Asuka Chinoe
"Hey Koko!" She said happily waving her over to there desk, koko flashed her a smile and went over leaning against her desk "hey asuka what's got you so happy this early?" She questioned tilting her head to the Side just a bit "welll I have great news as you know I'm on the volleyball team and well.." she trailed off looking over to the door looking at a boy that walked in he was always quite odd she disregarded the strange boy and continued on "I got on the varsity team!" She exclaimed smile as big as ever "woah that's amazing" Koko replied happy for her friend glancing back at the boy who caught there attention "Soo is that the weird guy ya told me about" Koko asked unsure abt the question "yeah that's Zane he's kinda odd but I heard he's a pretty cool guy if you get to know him, but not really someone I'd be around" asuka said bluntly "anyway koko what are you doing after school?" She questioned Koko "well I was just going to help out my dad why" she replied noticing the mood shifted "hmmm your such a daddy's girl..ya know that?" Asuka can be hard to read sometimes even to koko but that's just how she is she speaks her mind.
"Yeah I know I don't mind though" she looked out the window as she finished speaking, as the teacher would walk in everyone takes there seats and just listens to the lecture.

PART 1 prologue part 2 coming soon

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