Chapter 1

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Sheila's pov

I woke up gasping for air while my grandma is by my side with a worried expression, I got up and said good morning and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower as usual, cause I need to go to school.

"Dear breakfast is ready" the maid said so i went downstairs as I have already changed and is ready for school so I ate and went to go to the car.

In the front gate of the school

I stepped out and of course bees are around.

"There she is, so pretty"

"Yeah I agree, I envy her"

"She's really pretty"

"And plus she's rich I really envy her"

"Yuck she's so ugly"

"Yeah Cathy is much more beautiful"

"She's just a slut"

I went to the room I was Isigned and there the lesson is pretty much..................... Boring


As the bell rang the class was dismissed
and it was break time I went to the canteen alone, yes alone I don't have any friends cause I'm weird and to rich to be friends with so yeah.

I ordered my desired food and went to a corner table to maybe not be noticed or something.

But of course the queen bee they say,
"What do you want" i said in a bored tone.

"You're so wierd" she said with her I don't know accent.
"So?" I was dumbfounded can't she just go somewhere else so that I can have a silent lunch, and why does she care is she me or something ugh so irritating.

"Go somewhere else, maybe in the rooftop or anywhere not here" she said
"Why would I do that, do you own the school? What rights do you have to make me leave, no! I said with an irritated tone can't she just leave me alone.

So I ate my lunch not caring that she is fuming beside me.
She left with her minions. As the day went by school has already ended.

I'm in my room and getting ready to sleep I pray to not have the same dream cause I don't know it makes me uncomfortable.

And yes I didn't dream about that but the dream was much more worse, there the little girl was running away from a man with a black cloak in a unknown forest.

When suddenly I was woken up by a strange pain in my wrist.
And when I looked at it there was a red with a lining of gold sign (☬) I don't know what it is so got up and went to my grandma to show it to her.
She was calm but her eyes betrayed her it showed a troubled and scared emotions.

" Dear we will transfer you to a different school"she said and I feel that this will be quite good.
And definitely not that I want to get away with that unreasonable bee.
Ahhhh so refreshing. When I was packing my luggage I noticed the necklace that my grandma gave me.
The necklace was a gold and have this unusual pendant (☫) I remembered my grandma said to put it on when I reach 16 of age but I forgot about it so yeah.

As we were leaving I said " Grandma what place is my new school" I asked curiously,
"You will know when you get there" she said smiling. As I was feeling bored I dozed off.

5 hours went by

I was woken up by a scream I looked outside and was dumbfounded by the scene my grandma was hugging a person and hopping like a child.
Shocked I went out and as I was looking around, I noticed the gate it was so big and looks so luxurious.

When my Grandma and that person finally finished their conversation, we went to the Deans office there the face of the lady turned serious and said
"So why did you came back and brought a child with you, who is this may I know?"I can hear my grandma saying "This is Sheila Aneth Mendoza my granddaughter" the lady or dean was shocked.
"Wh-what? Ohhh" as if she remembered something and said
"Child Welcome to Atheneo, your room will be in room 206 and here are the keys the schedule will be brought to you tomorrow with your uniform for now you can do a quick tour to make sure you don't get lost in your first day" she clapped her hands and a boy around my age went in he has this black hair and gold and red eyes.
"This is Diablo Forente Kyrizhe he will guide you in your tour" she said and I looked at my grandma I saw her nod at me.
"Oh I forgot what is your name miss" as I said it coldly that I swear I saw her shocked beyond words.
"Sorry to not introduce myself sooner my name is........

_________________________________________Author: That is it for today if there is any mistake please correct me.
I feel so conflicted of the abrupt cutting but, hehehehehehe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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