Chapter 7

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AN: Sorry for the wait, I got distracted with Pokemon Violet, not to mention I had to get medical botox for my migraines and that didn't exactly go well. Anywho, hope you enjoy reading~


Chapter 7:

The sun was dipping toward the horizon as the carriage pulled out the front of the Crescentia. It was about mid-afternoon, only a few hours of sunlight left. It was something that caused Zohar yet more concern. Unsurprisingly, the dark of night was the preferred time for wraiths and other unearthly entities to reveal themselves and wander the mortal realm, as he put it.

Jumping out of the carriage, Drayce idly rubbed his throat. Zohar had used Theodore's spiritual energy to offer him some healing relief, while also dismissing his ghostly companion to get some much-needed rest in the ethereal realm. He had reassured him that the skin had not been broken, but the grip was sure to leave a bit of bruising. Enough to have Ashton and Blayke fussing over him relentlessly, no doubt.

That fussing would have to wait, however. They had a name for the knight that went on a minor rampage through the city. Hopefully, the name would help them uncover who had stolen the Blood Cauldron. Or at least point them in the direction of why it was stolen.


Kamali's voice calling his name in alarm caused Drayce to snap his head up, immediately pulling himself out of his musings. His concern grew further when he found the usually placid and calm warlock hurrying over to him.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Those entities," Kamali blurted out, slightly breathless. "They've been seen all over the city."

Drayce felt his stomach clench. "What?"

Next to him, Zohar bristled and he abruptly summoned a still irritated Theodore. "We must do something. And quickly. If those entities taste mortal flesh, they'll only grow in strength."

Without waiting for a response, Zohar abruptly turned on his heel and raced out into the city streets, Theodore following him closely.

Drayce turned, unconsciously throwing out his arm in the direction of his guildmate. "Zohar, wait!"

Kamali grabbed his arm with both of his hands, ensuring that Drayce didn't follow the determined necromancer. "He's right. We have to do something."

And they couldn't let Zohar do all the work by himself.

"Right. Where is everyone?"

Kamali pointed to the Crescentia's entrance; the twin doors wide open. "Inside. We're unsure of what to do exactly."

Drayce hurried inside with Kamali right behind him. He made it into the foyer before he was confronted by Blayke, his best friend already decked out in his armour, his rapier situated by his side.

"Drayce?" he asked him questioningly, his face creased in irritation and concern.

"I know," Drayce said toward the fencer, taking note that the rest of his guild had gathered in the front seating room. They all turned to him the moment they felt his presence, each wearing varying degrees of uncertainty and fear. All turning to him, the leader of the guild, for direction.

He wished there was something he could say to reassure them, but unfortunately, he needed to ask three of his guildmates to head out into danger with him. He didn't like it. He truly didn't.

"We have no choice; we'll need to split up. Everyone, do whatever it takes to keep your distance. Do not, under any circumstances, let them physically attack. Blakye, maintain your armour. Kamali, ranged elemental attacks. Caelem, get the Shining Lotus; it's natural light ability will dispatch these entities. Faelen, you and Nashoba stay here."

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