Uh-Oh 0m0

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Merry Christmas, here's y'all's present >:3

Also I'm gonna make this a two-part thing because you want content and I'm impatient and this is really long TvT

Also also there's some curse words, but it's funny so :b


The dim hall had the silhouettes of five people, two of them dragging another behind them as he lay unconscious.

The one leading them is a tall figure wearing a cloak, the hood of it covering his face. The one behind him is the Violet Bandit, who looks nervous. The two behind them are guards clad in dark armor, one a Yellow Steve and the other an Orange Steve, both with blank expressions. The person they're dragging is a very familiar person wearing a forest green tunic and a blindfold.

"You did a good job, rookie." The figure in the cloak says, looking towards the Violet Bandit. "That was quicker than I thought it would be. And nobody suspected a thing, since you didn't have to come into contact with other people like I thought you would."

"T-Thank you, sir..." The Violet Bandit says, glancing towards the prisoner. He may be unconscious, but none of them have any idea how long the potion would work on him, and even with his limbs tied he could still possibly do some damage.

"Soon, this non-Steve will not be a problem anymore, and who knows? We might be able to use him for something." The figure says as they approach a room with a jail cell. "If not, we could just use him as leverage against the Guard, since he's friends with their captain."

As they enter the room, two higher-ranking guards salute towards the cloaked figure. They don't have blank expressions like the other two. The figure nods at them, and they stop saluting and go back to standing straight.

"But first, we need to wait for the potion to wear off." The figure says. "It's a good opportunity to get some information out of him, so once it does we'll start an interrogation."

One of the higher-ranking guards opens the cell door, and there's nothing but a single wooden chair inside it. However, the first two guards go inside and place their prisoner on the chair. Then, they look towards the figure for directions.

"Tie him to the chair using the ropes he's bound with." The figure commands. "We don't want to risk him escaping once he awakes."

The two guards do as they're told, slightly undoing the ropes on their prisoner's wrists and ankles, then tying the ropes to the chair. Once they finish, they walk out of the cell and the room, returning to their posts. As the Violet Bandit stares into the cell, the figure turns to the guards standing in front of the cell door.

"Keep that cell secure no matter what, one of you even get more padlocks if needed." The figure says. "This prisoner has to be kept in maximum security. Do not leave these posts unless other guards are sent to change shifts with you. If the the potion wears off and he wakes up during your shift, only one of you is to go and get one of the interrogators. Understood?"

"Understood, General Xanadu." The two guards answer.

"Good." The cloaked figure, Xanadu, grins.

He then turns and heads out of the room, motioning for the Violet Bandit to follow.

"Come with me, cadet." Xanadu says. "There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

The Violet Bandit, surprised at the sudden new rank, quickly follows behind his general. Once they leave the room, one of the guards closes the cell door and locks the three padlocks on it, placing the key on the chain of his belt. In seconds, the only sound in the area is the creaking of the rusted chain the light in the cell hangs from, the dismal glow falling on the prisoner tied to the chair. Still and silent while under a deep sleep, he has no idea of what's happening around him...

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