Old Friends.

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Ivor's Pov

I decided it was time I see my old friends again. I've been wanting to see them, and I know it's been a long time.
After telling Jesse I'd be gone for a while, I was off to see my friends. After getting rid of the witherstorm, and coming clean to the world .. things were different for us. We hadn't talked. It was almost like when I left The Order to begin with.
I sigh and think of where I should start. I know Magnus would probably be the easiest to get to. So I decided to go to Boomtown and see what's going on.

About 2 hours of travelling i finally found my way to Boomtown. I scratch the back of my head and look around, noticing all the people staring. I wave awkwardly and some wave back, others just look confused. I exhale nervously once I see a recognisable face. Magnus...

"..Ivor?" He said, walking closer to me.
"Ivor!" He then smiled, realising it was me.
He hugged me and slightly lifted me off the ground. "Woah careful!" I laughed a little. He then put me down and smiled at me. "What have you been up to, Ivor?" He asked, he narrowed his brows in curiosity. "Oh well... not much." I simply reply, looking down. "How's Jesse? And his friends?" Magnus continued asking. "They're alright!" I beamed, being happy he asked. "I found them a few months ago, you'll never believe what happened these past months!" I exclaim. "Really?? Do tell!!" Magnus shouts, eager to know the story.
"Wait wait, follow me!" He motions me to follow. I chuckle as I went with him and we sat down.

I told him about how I became a "ninja" and all the stuff with Romeo/The admin and what not. Magnus showed many reactions and seemed very interested in my story.
Once I finished explaining what happened Magnus then asked, "Why are you here anyway, Ivor?" I look at him, smile and shake my head lightly. "I missed you. And.. well, I've been wanting to say something to you, and the others. It's been a while." I explain, looking to the side. "Ah. That's fair. Well, glad you came! And good luck finding Gabriel. I have no clue what he's been up to.. oh and, Soren. Who knows where he went." Magnus sighed and got up. As did I. "I'm kind of more anxious to see Soren for some reason." I chuckle nervously.

"Look, I'd be a nervous Reck too. If I cared enough to reach out to them. Butttttt ... I don't." Magnus shrugged. "Pfft." I shake my head. "Welp... I'm off to find Gabriel now. It was nice to see you again." I smile at him. "Likewise!" Magnus grinned.

As I waved goodbye to him, I made my way back to that portal.
A few minutes go by and I'm off to find Gabriel.
I wonder where he is and what he's doing. I know Magnus was just doing the "same old same old". In Boomtown being chaotic that is.
About an hour went by, I still hadn't even got one idea where Gabriel would be. Until it hit me. What if he was back at one of our old hang outs. It wouldn't kill me to look, would it?
I head back.

After I felt hopeless, looking for hours now. I hear a familiar voice. Gabriel..?
I was behind a tree, I look to see who was speaking and my mind was correct! It was Gabriel! Who was he speaking with..? Is that a friend of his?
I go up to them and Gabriel looked at me, he seemed confused for a second until he realised who he was staring at. "Ivor?!" He exclaimed, shocked.
"Who's he?" Said the lady who was talking with him. "An old friend.." Gabriel smiled.
"Hello, friend." I sigh in relief. He recognised me, and called me friend.
"What are you doing here, Ivor? Not to sound rude." Gabriel asked me, he tilted his head slightly. "I came to say hello, is all! Really, I just wanted to see my old friends. I already saw Magnus." I told him. "Magnus? How's he?" He walked closer. "He's okay!!" I smile.
"Good to hear." He chuckled, "he's always getting into trouble. I must say im shocked he's still at Boomtown!"
"Me too, honestly." I laugh. "Gabriel. I'm gonna head inside." The lady smiled at him, and then at me before going inside.
Gabriel waved at her.
"So, how'd you find me?" Gabriel turned back to me and raised a brow. "I had a hunch." I blink. "This place looks neat. I like it!" I added. "Hah, thanks Ivor." He laughed, "What've you been up to anyway..?" He questioned, I look at him. "It's a long story." I sigh. "Tell me about it, I'd love to hear!" Gabriel gave me a closed-eye smile. I smiled back. I begun to tell him the same things I told Magnus. Gabriel looked at me shocked and raised his brows. "A ninja!?"
I laughed at his reaction. "Yes!"
"That's cool!!!" He exclaimed. I put my hands on my hips. After a while of talking I look around.
"I hate to end the conversation but.... I need to find Soren." I blinked at him.
"Soren... I wonder where he is.." Gabriel sighed deeply. "Well, you best go find him Ivor!" He smiled softly. "Yes, Goodbye now!" I wave. He waved back. "Bye! Goodluck finding Soren!"and just like that, I felt my heart sink down into my stomach. Why was I so nervous to find Soren. It made no sense. I could easily talk to Magnus, and Gabriel.
Even Ellegaard if she was still here .. I shook my head as I walk faster. Where could Soren be?!

... oh.

I paused.

Of course..!

I know exactly where he is. Now just to figure out how to get there .....

I missed you. (Ivor x Soren)Where stories live. Discover now