Chapter 7 - When I Was Beautiful

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He blames himself.

If he wasn't such a monster, he wouldn't have been sent away from Izuku for so long and he would have been able to protect him.

His mother's words, not his.

Though he can't help but somewhat agree to her statement. Back when he was a kid, he could hardly control himself, but he likes to think he can control himself better now even though others might not agree.

But fuck what they have to say. Hes back now and ready to kill whoever he has to and that's all that matters.

He won't let his guilt and self pity keep him down because he has someone to protect and being the best doesn't allow any rests.

Besides, it's all going to be worth it, all of it. When he first got here and started watching Izuku more, he realized just how much he missed him, and how much shit got fucked while he was away.

Izuku's mom treats him like shit, his teachers and classmates even worse, and he does not like that old man Izuku is always hanging around with, someone who can make his nerd smile like that has got to go.

But Katsuki Bakugou isn't an idiot, he's got to wait and be patient. He comes up with a plan in a week or two and transfers himself into Izuku's school.

Not in the same class or he's sure he'd blow his own cover, being that close to Izuku was a risk he wasn't ready to take just yet.

So, he found those shitty extras who put their hands on Izuku and made them a deal. If they worked for him, he wouldn't kill them, which was undeservingly merciful of Katsuki.

It was easy to convince them after Katsuki sent over thousands of dead animals to their houses for two weeks straight until they knew Katsuki could easily go through with his threats.

The first order from king Katsuki to his servants was to steal the key to Izuku's house. Of course, he knew where the spare was, but it seemed easier if he had one of his own in case they moved it somewhere else.

Not even the next day his order was carried out and Katsuki had his own key to the Midoriya household.

He spent hours outside of their house, watching and memorizing the patterns of the two, when inko went to work and how late she got home, when Izuku left for school and got back and when he would leave to how long he would stay and where, until he could recite the twos foot trails like it was the easiest thing in the world.

Most of the time, Izuku was home alone and would leave the house almost right away.

For the first time Katsuki left a gift and a note so Izuku would at least notice him a little. He loved that part, watching from the tree outside of Izuku's window or in the living room.

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