Chapter 22: The First of Many Visits

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The oldest of my brothers Louis is thirteen years older than I am. Not only does this mean that he was more of an uncle to me when I was a child but it also meant that I got a front-row seat to all of his mischievous deeds as he got older. At first, he didn't know that I was watching him, that I was studying his every move with my curious little eyes as I hid behind whatever I felt could give me the best cover.  I watched him steal wine from my mother's collection and take a few sips before passing out from drunkenness. I saw him 'borrow' some money from our uncle one night when the old man was fast asleep and one night I saw him sneak off into the woods with our neighbour's eldest daughter and he only returned early the next morning. 

Watching him used to be my favourite pastime, that was until he caught me spying on him. I half expected him to beat me with a shoe like our mother would have but instead, he would have me cover for him sometimes. He also taught me a few tricks he had picked up while engaging in his secret life and even though he was a real ass sometimes and could be quite cruel to me in others I did pay attention to some of the lessons he gave me. Especially when he told me the best way to sneak out of a house. 

Nighttime is one's best friend when wanting to disappear. The blanket of darkness can hide just about anybody which is exactly what I hope it will do for me right now.

I pull my large dark brown cloak over my head and then proceeded to make my way out of the inn. Not out the door obviously since that was rule number one instead I open my window as wide as it can go and slowly I manoeuvre my body through the opening and using the few odd stones that are laid out on the walls I climb down. 

The second my feet hit I ground I creep over to the stables and release Dante from his confinement. The distant clutter of drunks staggering about helps cover up the sound of Dante's hooves as we move down the streets and out of the village boundary. When soft grass replaces hard stone I mount Dante and push him into a gallop toward the castle where I have no doubt Maurie is anxiously waiting. 

As always Dante is cautious as we grow nearer and nearer to the castle so I tie him as close to the iron gate as he will go. When I am satisfied that he is settled I push open the gates and walk up to the door that was surprisingly already open waiting for me by the steps was Maurie with a gleaming smile on his face. 

"I knew you would come back, you didn't strike me as the kind of person who would go back on their promise."

"Guess you were right." 

"I usually am," he shrugs his face cloaked with a look of amusement but it doesn't last long and a serious expression takes over, "Come on we will need all the time we can get." 

I swiftly follow him through the dimly lit passageways and up a staircase that twists and turns higher and higher up a large tower that like much of the castle is slowly starting to fall apart. At the top of the staircase, there is a large wooden door that opens up to a quaint study filled to the brim with all sorts of books and pieces of paper that are covered in writing. 

"Is all of this yours?" I ask. 

"It was once the study where the prince would take up his schooling but after the curse was placed on all of us and the castle went to ruins I took over it and made it my research center," he says as he walks around lighting every candle around the room, "Every book in here comes from the library downstairs but sadly none of them have helped me in the slightest. I do hope you found that book that I am looking for," he adds. 

He brings the object that he was using to light the candles closer to his mouth and with one swift breath he blows the small flame out and a tiny wisp of smoke floats up into the air, the smell of it fills my nostrils and I can revel in it. As much as I want to stand here and get lost in the scent I have to remember that I have a job to do right now. 

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