Bad News

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I awaken to a bright day. Throwing on some clothe I soon arrive at my job. Reaching the gate I see Marty already waiting for me.

Marty: "Right on time."

Y/N: "I try to make it a habit."

Marty: "Hop on in."

I hop into the mule where he soon drives us off to work. Later that day as I chop wood I hear screaming.

Marty: "Stop the tractor!!!!"

Looking to the side I see Marty trying his best to catch the runaway tractor. Following its path I see it heading right for Heather who's planting flowers.

Y/N: "Crap."

I take off ful speedl towards the tractor. Getting in front of it I hold out my arms bracing my body.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

I look away. The tractor slams into my hands coming to a dead stop. Pain shoots through my arms going all the way to my spine. The tractor's momentum continues making it go off the ground. I groan trying my damndest to not lose it. When it's right above me I sharply exhale keeping it balanced. Finally I set it down ending the chaos. I pant holding my right arm.

Marty: *panting* "You okay?"

Heather: "I'm fine."

She walks to me. 

Heather: "What about you?"

I look at her.

Y/N: "Just my arm."

She looks gasping.

Heather: "You're bleeding."

I look to see blood starting to soak through my shirt.

Heather: "Fire up the truck, he needs to go to the hospital."

After a quick ride I get escorted to a hospital room to be looked over.

Blake POV

I rush to the hospital as my panic only seems to increase.

Noir: "Slow down mom, you'll crash."

Blake: "I can't. I need to know he's okay."

Finally we reach the hospital. Barging in I head to the receptionist.

Blake: "Where's Y/N?"

Voice: "You know Y/N?"

I turn seeing a blonde woman and brunette man.

Blake: "Who're you?"

Heather: "I'm Heather and this' my husband Marty. We're the ones Y/N's working for."

Noir: "What even happened?"

Marty: "When we were working a tractor went rolling towards Heather. Luckily Y/N caught if before anything bad could happen."

Suddenly a nurse arrives.

Nurse: "You the L/N family?"

Blake: "We are."

Noir: "What's the news on my father?"

Nurse: "It's nothing good. We've rushed him into surgery."

Blake: "Why?"

Nurse: "Seems whatever happened to him shattered his collarbone. Its shards were sent everywhere in his arm. But don't worry, we've got our best surgeon working on him. He'll make sure Y/N's back in tip top shape."

*timeskip Y/N POV*

I awaken to the sound of an EKG beeping. Looking around I find myself in a room.

Blake: "You're finally up."

I look seeing my wife and daughter.

Y/N: "What happened?"

Noir: "You just woke up from surgery."

I start to recall what happened. I look at my right arm to see it bandaged up and in a sling.

Y/N: "What's the result?"

I look at them to see them remaining still.

Y/N: "What?"

Blake: "When you caught the tractor it shattered your collarbone really badly. To the point the shards were sent all throughout your arm. The doctor tried his best... but..."

Y/N: "But what?"

Noir: "It really tore your arm up. The doctor says it's unclear if you'll ever be able to use it again."

I hang my head. They then wrap me in a tender hug.

Blake: "It'll be okay honey."

Noir: "We'll be here to help you through this."

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