13 : she was the reason enid smiled

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Chapter Thirteen
she was the reason enid smiled 

Chapter Thirteen she was the reason enid smiled 

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3rd person pov

mina hated the fact that enid was hurting but she felt like she couldn't do anything. she had found out about Bianca and Serena and the two of the girls had a celebration about the newborn relationship. even though everything had happened, Serena felt like something good was going to come but she didn't want to jinx it or herself.

the funeral had begun and mina stood under the umbrella with enid as she held the girl close to her and they listened. she kissed the girl's forehead with a sad smile.

"we'll be okay," she said to her and enid nodded as the funeral ended and they walked back to the bus. enid and mina sat together on the bus as they rode back to the school.  Mina held enid before she sighed and shook her head. then when they got back to school, they hung out for a while until they went to enid and Wednesdays room together.

"sorry we figured you were still at mayor walkers wake" enid said and Wednesday looked at the pair questionably

"as soon as the dirt hits the coffin, I'm out" Wednesday retorted and mina gave her a look. she didn't like the way Wednesday was talking to the girl.

" i cant seem to find my bottle of silver moon nail polish, do you mind if i look around? yokos hosting a mani-pedi party for her crew" enid said but mina could see the lie from a mile away and she looked at her girlfriend in confusion as Wednesday spoke up

"this is the third time in 24 hours that you've forgotten something" Wednesday stated

"so, hows everything going?" enid asked the girl finally giving up her story for honesty.

"solitude suits me. with no annoying distractions, I'm almost finished with my novel" Wednesday stated and mina smiled proudly of the girl

"was i an annoying distraction?" enid asked

"you definitely had some annoying habits" Wednesday answered quickly

"such as?" enid pushed

"I'm not sure you want to know that enid" mina tried to protect the girls feelings but she shook her head and mina sighed again.

" you giggle when you text, which is a 24/7 addiction" Wednesday began

"yeah sorry about that" mina said and enid smiled at the girl. she was the reason enid smiled at her phone so much 

"at least its not a migraine-inducing typewriter hammering into my head" enid retorted and mina backed up. she didn't like where this was going at all.

"when youre not grinding your canines, you growl in your sleep" Wednesday stated.

"as opposed to late night cello solos?" enid asked and mina looked at her girlfriend. she had never seen the girl so angry, or hurt.

"you over-commit to activities, then complain about them" Wednesday continued

"id take that over your obsession with all things creepy" enid said

"jesus" mina said under her breathe

"you could gas an entire small village with the amount of perfume you spritz. that's just off the top of my head" Wednesday exclaimed

"guess I'm the lucky one with the new bestie that doesn't try to find ways to endanger literally everybody she comes into contact with. in fact, yoko and i are so in sync that shes begging me to be her new roomie, permanently" enid said and Wednesday turned from the girl

"don't let me hold you back" Wednesday said

"enjoy your solitude Wednesday" enid exclaimed and she grabbed minas hand as she led her out of the room and mina followed. she didn't know where they were going but she didn't care. they walked together until they got to serenas room where they saw bianca and serena holding each others hands

"so this is a thing now?" she asked and serena nodded with a smile

"yeah" rena said

"okay we have so much to talk about" she said and she grabbed bianca as enid grabbed serena and they separated. mina and bianca walked to their room as serena and enid walked into serenas room. mina opened the door and turned to the girl who turned to her and they sat on the bed together

"So tell me everything, beginning to end. i need to know everything" mina said and bianca smiled at the happiness of the girl. she didn't know that mina was waiting for them to get together but she didn't care, at least someone else was as happy as her and serena were.

"i think it sort of started at the poe cup and since then i cant leave her alone. last night, before the mayor died, i met up with his son but serena saw us and she ran out as fast as she could. I've seen her mad but at that point, she didn't look mad, she looked hurt or sad. i didn't go after her but after i left the weathervane, i came back and went to her room. she told me she loves me and she always has. she said that she had always just wanted my attention and that's why she was competitive with me" bianca stated and mina smiled

"and then you realized you liked her too?" mina asked

"i think i had always known from the beginning that i liked her. it was obvious , point blank period. i just didn't know what to do, but i think her telling me made it all the more real and obvious" bianca said and mina smiled at the girl

"I'm happy for you b, I've never seen you so happy before. you deserve to be happy" she said and bianca smiled brightly at the girl

"thanks mina, you and enid? you two are cute together, I'm happy for you two. I think that we can finally be happy" bianca said and mina nodded

"i think youre right" mina exclaimed and the two girls sat there in silence thinking about their girlfriends and practically planning dates in their minds.

if only they knew the other two girls were doing the same thing.


me when i make cute WLW relationships happen: 😁

me when i make cute WLW relationships happen: 😁

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