𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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A/N - I have never wrote this character nor mention him, so i'm sorry if anyone's OOC. But this was requested by flowerboynext_door. (EDIT: THIS WAS RUSHED I'M SORRY. VERY VERY SORRY!!) (EDIT 2: ALSO VERY SHORT ALSO SORRY..) (EDIT 3: GRACE x READER IS WORKED ON RN!)

(Y/n = Your name)

(N/n = Nickname)

(Y/o = Your outfit of choice)

(Y/f = Your friend's name)


Christian Bateman x Gender-Neutral reader

Fluff (??)

@flowerboynext_door's request

3rd Person



You choose your type of dress/suit for the upcoming prom at the university. You chose your bestest outfit to impress a popular guy that you had a crush on.

But it attracted a different person.

You wore some makeup (if you wear makeup), some jewelry/a watch to look good. You wore your dress/suit, going to the door of your dorm to get your best friend.

"Hi Y/n! You look so pretty! I love Y/o!" She hugs you. You guys were best friends for a few years. And someone was behind her, Christian Bateman.

"Wow.." He uttered out.

"Hello, Christian!" You say, as you blush a little. I mean, he did look handsome.

"Let's go!" Your friend drags you.


"Wow, it's packed in here, jeez!" You say, hearing the loud music from the entrance.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU, N/N! BUT I GOTTA GO TO MY BOYFRIEND, SO BYE!" Y/f lets go of your hand and walks away, leaving you with Christian.

"Y/n, wanna-"

"Sorry, Christian. I gotta.. go to someone." You cut him off, sprinting away to the popular guy you admired.

He was probably older than you by a few years. You admired and had a crush on him ever since you met him. He was like other popular guys.

You walked up to him, nervous.

"E-err.. H-hello!" You blush because of your stuttering.

"Uh, hello? Aren't you that nerdy person?"

Nerdy person? Is that what he thought of you?

You ignore it.

"Y-yeah! I just w-wanna ask.. Do.. Do you want to- like.."

The guy suddenly laughs at you, and you look at him directly by the eyes.

"Sorry, but you're definitely not my type and besides, I got a girlfriend." He points to one of the girls, and she waves at you guys.

"And.. your face! It's so ugly!" One of his friends butts in to your conversation.

"Forreal! I agree with him for once." Your now ex-crush says.

"Hey everyone! The nerdy girl is asking-"

Your eyes blur, so many smudged faces turn to you now. You couldn't hear anything. You start to cry, thinking of how he's doing this. You literally run to a nearby classroom, not controlling your movements. You lock the classroom door and sob. Y/o gets wet.

Meanwhile, with Christian.

He watched everything.

"Y/n, wait!" He sees you running away, crying. He suddenly gets angry, and uncontrollably, punches the dude who hurt you.

"What the hell!" He shouts, holding his bloody nose.

"It's your fault! Goddamnit.. N/n." He sprints to where the classrooms were, unlocking all doors, until he finds one locked.

"Y/n! Y/n.. It's Christian.. Please open the door!" He knocks on the door, rapidly.

And you unlock the door.

He collapses on you, hugging you.

"Are you okay? Y/n.. I-"

"I'm sorry I left you. I regret it." You apologize to him.

"Y/n. It's okay. It's just that.." He plays with your hair for a while.

"Well, I like you, okay?"

Silence. Silence. All silence.

"I love you too."

And you guys share a long, passionate kiss.

"Now, let's go back. We can go to the dorm, if you'd like."

"Of course." You kiss him on the cheek.

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