#577 Solosis

1 0 0

The Mitosis Pokemon

A Psychic-type

Also known as Uniran in Japan

Overcoat, Magic Guard, and *Regenerator*

50% Male, 50% Female

36.6% Catch Rate

Amorphous Egg Group

1'00" and 2.2 lbs

Medium Slow Leveling Rate

Pomaceous is the Shape

Green is the Color

BW035: Where Did You Go, Audino?

It communicates with others telepathically. Its body is encapsulated in liquid, but if it takes a heavy blow, the liquid will leak out.

50% chance of holding a Persim Berry in B2W2

Shuffle Number is #200

Evolves into Duosion at Level 32

Evolves into Reuniclus at Level 41

Shattered Psyche

Max Mindstorm

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