Interesting twist of fate.

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Tiana was sleeping peacefully and deeply when she suddenly felt something touch her shoulder. A warm and soft hand. So she turned to the person who had woken her up and opened one eye to check who it is. To her surprise, it turned out to be Dovey.
-Why did you wake me up?- she asked in a desperate voice.
-Because if you don't wake up now, you'll be late again, and I can't let that happen. Besides, it could have been Lesso instead of me, who probably wouldn't have woken up like that.-she said, walking over to the windows.
-I wish it was her.-Tiana whispered.
- Did you say anything?- the woman asked, and drew back the large curtains.
-No, nothing.-Tiana replied.
Dovey looked out the window and said:
-Even students come. Look.
Tiana went to the window and saw lots of schoolgirls.
-You have forty minutes to get ready and come to the main hall.-She smiled and left the room.

After dressing and combing her hair, Tiana went downstairs to the main hall, where the first years were slowly gathering. She noticed Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey sitting in the center of the room. She took one of the seats on the Good side. Tiana looked away and saw Peres smiling at her. After a while she heard:
- Sorry. You are so beautiful. I'm just wondering, are you a goddess or the daughter of a goddess? It would be so amazing! -She turned towards the source of the sound and saw a girl smiling broadly at her.
-No, I'm not, but thank you very much. It's very nice. I think. What's your name?
- Oh, I-I-I'm Kiko.
- I'm Tiana. You don't have to be nervous.
- I know. I love the beginning of the school year. Everyone brings something different. you will see.
Tiana was amused by the girl's enthusiasm. On the one hand, she reminded her a bit of Dovey. Her thoughts were interrupted by a girl sitting in front of Tiana. She was wearing a pink, voluminous dress. She obviously wasn't very good at wearing it. She whispered under her breath that it was a joke. Her person interested the girl, so she decided to sit next to her. Before she could say anything, however, she heard the loud sound of a cane hitting the floor.
- Welcome, first year students! I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good.-She said and all the Evers started shouting: Evers! Evers! Evers!
- And I'm Lady Lesso Dean of the School for Evil.
-Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!-The Nevers shouted at the Evers. Tiana and the girl next to her looked at each other and snorted.
-I'm Tiana.-the girl began.
-Agatha-she replied with a smile.
- As per tradition- began Dovey- the winning school from last year... Us again. Imagine that.- She said to Lesso.
- Hmm. Imagine.- Lesso replied clearly displeased.
-...will now grace as all with a display of their chivalrous talents. Gentlemen!-she called, and the princes entered the hall.
-I feel like it's going to be fun.- Tiana told Agatha. She just looked at her as a sign that she was thinking the same thing. After a while, the show began. The boys started fighting each other. Pretty weak, but still. When they had finished, a boy appeared on the balcony. Judging from the girls' screams, his name was Tedros.-If you boys are finished with your dance class, maybe you'd like to have a real fight.-he said and rappelled down before proceeding to fight them without using his sword "to make it easier for them". During their fight, Tiana noticed one thing.
-He's King Arthur's son-she whispered to Agatha.
- How do you know?
-Look at his sword.-It was hard to see the details of the sword, but Agatha saw them.
- It's Excalibur- she whispered to Tiana.
-Exactly-she replied and watched the fight. It was surprising how easy it was for him to defeat so many boys. The funniest thing for Tiana was how happy he was about his victory. She laughed softly, which Tedros didn't miss.
-What's so funny, princess?- he asked loud enough for all eyes to turn to Tiana.
- Your ego. You really think that's an achievement.-She pointed to a couple of boys.
-So you think you could do it better than me?
- 100% better.
-And you could beat me?
-With my eyes closed.-she said with great confidence, which caused surprise and everyone gathered.
  - So you want to try your skills?-Tedros said, clearly touched by the girl's words.
-Do you want to fight a woman?-she asked with feigned surprise.-Good against good?-
-You are afraid of?-he asked, laughing.
-I'm giving you time to change your mind. And here comes the question. Are you afraid of Tedros?-she asked with contempt in her voice. He was really starting to annoy her.
-Don't you want good to fight good? No problem. I will represent good.- he said and smiled.
  - Tiana, what are you doing?! Agatha asked. - It's Excalibur!
- And? A little more faith Agata.- she said, then looked at the deans, who were very surprised. Even Lesso didn't know how to react to that. Tiana smiled at Dovey, who was very much against it.
- So let Evil finally win - she said with a smile, then got up from the previously occupied place, approached the wolf and took his weapon. Then they started fighting. The fight was fierce. Tedros hadn't expected such skill from a girl. Tiana could take advantage of the moment he was confused and knock him to the ground. However, he got up and used Excalibur's power. But Tiana wasn't thrilled. She recovered quickly and even became more motivated. About 5 minutes passed before Tiana snatched the sword from Tedros' hands and knocked him to the ground a second time. This act marked the end of the fight. Tiana, however, to leave something behind, slashed the opponent's cheek and jaw with hid own weapon. She dropped his sword to the ground and bowed theatrically. She got a huge ovation from the Evil side. Her school, was less pleased. She looked at the deans. Lady Lesso was clearly impressed. Tiana smiled at her and winked at her. Dovey, on the other hand, looked like she was about to explode. After a while, she calmed down. Tiana returned to her seat. Tedros, on the other hand, sat down next to some fair-haired princess.
- Are you crazy? What were you thinking? I'm impressed. But- she didn't finish because Tiana interrupted her.
-I'll think you're worried about me, Agatha.-She laughed and looked at Peres. His eyes said, "We'll talk about this later."
- In this two schools- began Dovey- we will take away any confusion and make your souls are pure as possible. Pure Good!
- Or Pure Evil- added Lesso.
-Future heroes and villains, you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between Good and Evil. For if that balance ever compromised-she wasn't allowed to finish because the headmaster interrupted her.
- I don't think we need to get into that just now with our new friends do we? It's such a happy first day. Let's not to be downstairs, hmm?
- Oh, please-Tiana said, clearly embarrassed.  She didn't have much sympathy for him.  She feels like it works both ways.
- Besides- he said looking at Tiana- I'm sure this new class will perform exceptionally well.- then he looked at the other students- And like your parents before, you are alle here because the world of story needs great heroes and villains to teach people of the outside world to make choices to find their way. So, obey the rules, study hard, and remember the Storian only chooses the very best of our students.- he smiled at the end of his speech.
-But what if we've been dropped in the wrong school?!- A girl from the school of Evil asked.
After a while, Agatha got up from her seat and asked:
- Or there's been a mistake and we need to go home immediately?
Tiana and Peres looked at each other.  Something was definitely wrong.
-There are no mistake in the School for Good and Evil. Have a nice semester.-he replied and just walked away.
-Now you can go to your rooms, unpack your things and get acquainted with your roommates.-Clarissa said with a smile. But as everyone was leaving, she grabbed Tiana's wrist and said they needed to have a serious talk and that she was to come to her office after dinner.
-Great, just wonderful- thought Tiana. She decided to go to Agatha's room to talk to her and get answers to her questions.
After all, it couldn't be a coincidence that they were in the same situation.

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