Papa Dylan

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Dylan was scheduled for an endorsement tour. He was now in Beijing to endorse a product. Though he has not been that active in front of the camera he still gets lots of endorsement projects on the side.

"Pa!! I want Ma!!" His 6 year old daughter pouted.

Dylan brought their daughter with him since Yue is in Chengdu with their son to visit his family. He couldn't let Yue go there with the two children alone. He knows too well it will be a mess. And he doesn't like his lovely wife get stressed out.

"Yes baby. Will be there after my work. Okay?"

The little girl pouted but just agreed with his father.

Dylan was already called by the host. And so the program began. His daughter was left with his manager. She was sitting on a chair below the stage and was watching her papa.

It was like a meet and greet. Girls were excited to see Dylan. Some are his and Yue's supporters even. Some fans gets too excited when they're near him and couldn't help but mobbed him.

"Ouch" Dylan joked when a fan suddenly jumped to him. But he just smiled as the girl said her apologies. He even pose for a pic with the girl.

His daughter who was watching couldn't help but get scared and jealous when people come close to her papa and so she cried.

Dylan stopped and looked for his crying daughter. His manager carried his daughter and tried to pacify her. But it didn't stop her from crying.

"Oh I'm sorry. That's my daughter." He apologized and went down to the stage and carried her.

"Hey love. What happened?" He asked her.

"I want Mama!" She cried more. "I'm scared."

Dylan just hugged her tight and kissed her. "Don't get scared Papa is here."

"But girls are hugging you! I don't want it. Only mama is allowed and me and baby brother!"

Dylan just smiled. "Okay. It won't happen again okay? Will go straight to mama after this. I promise!"

The little girl nodded. Dylan wiped her tears and kissed her.

"You want to be with papa on stage?"

The little girl just hid her face on Dylan's neck. Ans so Dylan just brought her to the stage.

"I'm so sorry for little miss grumpy." He laughed. "You all know who she got the attitude." And that made the crowd laugh.

The event continued and it was a success. The fans were happy to see how great of a father Dylan has become.

After the show, Dylan immediately went to Chengdu to see his other half and baby boy.

Pictures from the tour then circulated. A fan captioned.

'Who would have thought that a big baby like you would become the greatest father to your babies.💜💛'


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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