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Disclaimer; Don't do drugs kids.

The white powder crunched under Paxton's feet as he walked through the streets of Hackney, London. He shoved his hands further into his pockets, eager to ease the numbness in his hands. He'd been walking for about 10 minutes, yet it felt like forever.

He turned the corner, the college building reached into sight.

Nearly there.

It was a pleasant-looking building, a plain white structure with around 7 floors. The campus stretched over 100 acres, with a second college building just across the street.

As Paxton reached the front gates, he took a deep breath. He detested this place, it had become a place he dreaded seeing every day. Students scuttled around, keen to see their friends or scurrying to their classes.

"Morning Paxton!" a girly voice chirped from his right. He bent his head to see a short ember haired girl. Addison.

"Addison." Paxton nodded, before walking in the opposite direction. He headed over to the smoking area, hoping to find Aiden. To his joy, he did. As soon as Aiden saw him approaching, he gave him a cheeky grin.

"What time do you call this?" he joked, checking his watch. Paxton chuckled, landing a hearty pat on Aiden's back.

"You got a spliff?" Paxton asked as he clasped hands with the other male standing with Aiden.

Bradley Stein. A 5'8 sports enthusiast. Guess what he was studying? You guessed it, sports.

"Of course, my man," Aiden replied, rooting in his small satchel. He pulled out a blue cone. Popping the top off it he handed the contents to Paxton. "Light it up,"

Paxton took it gratefully before digging in his pocket and pulling out a lighter. Flicking the lighter, he held the end of the joint over the flame. He watched as the paper end slowly lit up and burnt down.

"When's your first class Pax?" Aiden queried.

Paxton held the joint to his lips taking a long pull, before blowing it back out.

"What time is it?" Paxton replied, staring at the cone in his fingers. Aiden pulled his phone out, before showing the screen to him.


"5 minutes, but it can wait." Paxton took another hit, before passing it onto Aiden. Aiden nodded in approval, taking a hit of the joint.

After around 10 minutes and a few passes of the joint, Paxton threw it onto the floor, stubbing it out with his foot. Bradley mumbled that he was off to his class, before wandering away.

"Spray?" Aiden offered, pulling out a can of bodyspray. Paxton laughed at this, taking the half-full can from him.

"Of course."

He lathered himself in the spray before handing it back to Aiden, watching as Aiden did the same thing.

"Ready?" Paxton asked. Aiden nodded.

They started to walk towards the large building, pushing their way through masses of students, who were also late. The automatic doors parted in front of the chattering pair, as they marched on towards their class, as they reached a split in the corridor, Aiden turned with an outstretched hand.

"Break time?" Paxton clasped Aiden's hand, nodding before the pair went their separate ways.

Paxton could feel the high now, his body tingled, his brain felt cloudy and he felt at ease. Like he was on cloud 9. Nothing could compare.

As Paxton neared the door to classroom 418a, he heard the sound of his teacher Ms Fleck.

"Art isn't just about putting your pencil or paintbrush to paper, it's more than that it's a feeling inside you." he overheard. He rolled his eyes, cringing at the thought of actually attending a lesson before he shoved the door open.

Everyone turned to peek at him, making him feel slightly awkward, he shuffled from foot to foot, skimming the room.

"Paxton. How nice of you to join us." Ms Fleck remarked, setting her lips into a thin line. Paxton offered her a cheeky grin. "Sit with Lynne and Kendall please."

Paxton did as he was ordered, scraping a chair across the floor as she started to speak. He did it slowly, eager to grind on her nerves. He sat on the chair, shuffling it across the floor.

Ms Fleck scowled and stopped in her tracks. Kendall covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.  "Whenever you're ready Paxton. Some people are here to learn."

Paxton chuckled before picking up a sheet of paper from the caddy in the centre of the table.

Ms Fleck continued her speech. She was droning on about how art can capture your thoughts and feelings in the best way known to man. Paxton barely listened as he was too busy crafting a neatly folded paper aeroplane.

"Right, everyone please grab some of the supplies from the centre of your table and start to create... anything that comes to mind, try to capture your thoughts and feelings, ones that maybe you don't talk about."

Fuck that.

Paxton picked up his paper aeroplane, holding it up to show Kendall who quietly giggled. He turned to face Ms Fleck, who was giving him a sharp glare, before launching the paper aeroplane through the classroom, a boyish grin appearing on his face.

"Paxton Thompson!" Ms Fleck yelled.

"Yes, miss?" Paxton laughed, watching his paper aeroplane land near her whiteboard.

"Get... out of my classroom," she ordered, pointing towards the door. Paxton grinned, before scraping his chair across the floor and sauntering towards the door. "Wait outside."

Paxton exited the classroom into the empty corridor, it was eerily quiet, with no students around. He could hear the soft sounds of the music students a few classrooms away.

A few seconds later, Ms Fleck appeared in front of him. He had seemed to get so lost in his own mind that he hadn't heard the door open.

Probably the weed.

"Paxton, you are talented. Why waste it?" she began, "I've never had a student who has come into my classroom with the talent you have... but you don't do anything with it... why?"

Paxton shrugged and fixated his attention on the lining on the carpeted floor.

"I think-" Footsteps approaching broke her unfinished sentence. Paxton snapped his gaze up to meet the eye of the principal.

Oh shit.

'Ah, Paxton, I've been looking for you. Your mother... guardian is here, we have a meeting to get to with Mr Williams, your tutor." He stated, giving Paxton a warm smile. "Ms Fleck." he nodded at his employee.

Now you're in trouble.

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