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The next day, Catherine was walking through town with her sister. "I'm telling you, you two are bound to end up getting eloped." Caroline says. "Just the way he acts."

"I told him I want a wedding." She says. "We're not eloping even if he wants too. I want a wedding."

Caroline smiled as they haven't done this in forever. "This feels normal. Just us two, talking and having a good old time."

Catherine smiled as she missed these moments. Just her and her sister no friends and no boyfriends. Well she thought that it was perfect till Elena showed up. "I need a favor."

"What will that be?"

"I need you two to lie to Stefan."
Sometime that day, Catherine was eating her fries when Holden sat in front of her. "Where have you been?"

"Hiding." She says. "Stefan knows when I lie."


The blonde sighed causing him to wonder what she has to say. "Elena went to see Katherine." She tells him. "She knew not to tell me to lie because I can't lie to you." She sighed. "She thinks Katherine will tell her about the sun and the moon curse, but I believe she will tell her the truth, but part of that truth will scare Elena."

"What do you think that truth is?"

"I don't know." She says looking at him. "Whatever it is, is the reason for her to be a vampire and on the run for over 500 years."

Holden knew she was right as he he stood up and sat beside her so he could hold her, whatever is happening, Katherine knows and she won't help much. They'll have to figure it all out on their own.

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