Chapter 1.-The beginning

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Friday November 30, 5 pm

My hands were shaking as I dialled Abigail's number. My brain was racing trying to think of what excuse I would have to use for missing dinner.

Ring.... Ok take a breath you have had to miss dinner before. It's no big deal right?
Ring... ring.. she won't be that mad she understood when you took the job and she still chose to marry you.
Ring... ring... ring.... Maybe she's busy and I can just leave a message.
Ring... ring... ring.... ring...

"Hey babe where are you? Are you on your way home?" Abigail asked picking up the phone on the fourth ring.

"Hey baby about that...." I say holding my breath waiting for the blow out that could happen. Better to brace for it now.

"Don't tell me you have to stay late." She says sounding disappointed. "You know how important this dinner is with my family." She says making me start to feel guilty.

"I know, and I'm really sorry something just came up at work."

She sighs and takes a long breath before speaking. "I know... I understand but I just don't want me and the kids to always come second to your job."

"I know, and you know I do what I do for our family. I promise I'll tell you everything when I get home. And I promise I'll make it up to you and the kids."

"Ok, I understand... but don't forget you promised to go take the kids to see Santa tomorrow morning."

"I promise I won't I'll be home before you know it. I love you Abigail."

"I love you too Luca, I'll see you when you get home." She says before hanging up almost slamming the receiver.

"How did it go?" Kale asked studying my face.

"Well it definitely went better than I thought." I said feeling awful about letting Abigail down on cancelling on holiday dinner.

"Man I thought she would have tore into you." Kale said sharpening a pencil and heading to his desk.

"Yeah I thought so too." I Say sitting down at my desk. "Ok let's get to cracking this case."

"Ok gents what do we have so far?" Chief ask.

"Well chief not much so far. All we have is a note and a box with a kidney. Im not sure what that means. Any ideas Kale?" I ask

"Not as of the moment." He says grabbing a pen and paper to take notes. "Are we sure this isn't just some sick joke by a juvenile?"

"I don't think we should take any chances. You know better than any of us we don't want another massacre like Valentine's Day two years ago." The chief said referring to the mass shooting that happened in a mall that killed all officers on scene including Kales older brother and fiancée.

"Yeah I know. But the question is where do we begin?" Kale asked fist shaking.

"I think we should get the letter and kidney down to analysis. Maybe there's DNA on the envelope at least, besides we both know that if anyone can find a clue it's Katie." I suggest waiting for any objections.

"Yes I agree Ms. Katie Eperson is one of the best lab technicians in the whole county. You go ahead and do that. And after you drop that off you guys can go home. You deserve your weekend and I'll see you guys back here bright and early on Monday." Chief says grabbing his jacket heading towards the door.

"10/4 Chief, see you Monday have a nice weekend." I say picking up the box and letter. "Kale you coming or not?? I'm sure Katie would love to see you." I say teasing  knowing full well they both like each other but Kale was still trying to move on from the death of Kali his fiancée.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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