The New Kid or the New Prey

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             I was seventeen when I first laid eyes on him. He was unlike anyone I had ever encountered before; he was intelligent, charming, charismatic, and about a million other clichés. He had eyes that managed to look straight into your soul, he was tall and slender with raven hair and he spoke with a husky voice. He had all the qualities to make ever girl around fall to his feet... and he played that to his advantage. I found myself appalled at the mere display of self-esteem issues each girl had. Throwing each other under the bus and throwing themselves at him, for all its worth, you think he was God or something.


              September had come around quickly and I had just freshly turned seventeen. The first day of senior year was just around the corner and I was not the happiest girl in the world. Doing senior year wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to start a new school. My parents decided it would be best if we got a fresh start as soon as possible, and lucky for me that fresh start started real soon. I still had a couple of days before the school opened its doors and I was going to save those last few fleeting moments. I never quite understood the whole idea of teenage fun. I personally was always the loner type, I never needed company around 24/7 or a group of people to make me feel more confident. I was happy going unnoticed, under the radar, I never liked to be the center of attention. But being the new kid always does that to you, everyone whispers about you and asks you about a million invasive questions. So to say the least, I was not looking forward to Monday.

"Okay, alright, stay still. It's not every day our baby's first and last day of school comes around."

"Alright. I think you've got enough photos, seriously I'm gonna be late." I sneered.

And before my mom could get another word in, I was gone. It was weird for me, knowing that after this I would have to figure out what my life should be like. Growing up people always expressed their ideas of what I should do or how I should live my life. But now that it's time to make a decision, I am unable to figure out for myself what I want my life to be like. I could never stick to one idea, I would think of something and imagine myself doing it. Then the same thoughts would appear in my head; "Do you really want to do that for the rest of your life?", "You'll get bored and not want to do it anymore.", "That sounds so lame." And after they start, it was difficult to silence them. Not to mention I get bored so easily it's hard to keep my mind in one place. People have all these expectations of me and its exhausting trying to keep them all from caving in on me.

As I pull into the parking lot I notice there really is no difference from my last school. Besides the obvious ones; no friends, no idea where I am going, and the school is a lot bigger. I get out of my car and start making my way towards the big doors and the huge sign that reads, "Greenfield Cove High School." As I'm walking, I start to become more aware of my surroundings. Everyone here seems so busy and scarily the same, like they're afraid to be different. I end up becoming a little too aware of my surroundings and almost run straight into the front doors. I quickly regain a sense of reality and walk casually into the front office. The lady at the desk claims she'll only be a minute and disappears behind a door marked 'Principal Sylvester Underwood', I took a glance down at my watch. It's almost 9:15, so not only do I not know where or what my first class is, I'm going to be late to it. As if she could read my mind, the lady reappears in front of me and guides me into Principal Underwood's office. I sat down awkwardly and the lady exited the office closing the door behind her.

"So Miss McFarland, I understand that you need a class schedule—"

"—and a map, if at all possible."

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