The dream you both had

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"Hah .." Scaramouche panted heavily, his throat felt thick. Gentle, feather-like hands touched him so delicately, he felt as though he was a porcelain doll being held like it was the most fragile thing in the world. He felt so open, so exposed, so vulnerable. It was almost like he would break under your grasp at any given moment, any wrong move and he would fall apart.

Your fingers ran down his bare skin, each touch of yours felt like fire burning him with passion and delight. His breath hitched deliciously when your finger tips ran over his hips. He hated this teasing, yet he loved being toyed with. But only if it was your hands pulling his strings. You and only you. He was revolted by the thought of anyone else touching him like you where right now, only you could ignite that flaming desire within him. Only you had the ability to make him blow, to make his mind tick before he exploded into a pile of lust and yearning.

He wanted to show his weaknesses to only you, he wanted to show you the inner workings of his heart as you played with his gears sweetly. To watch you toy with him as a coy smirk made its way into your lips, oh he was combusting just thinking about that sight. You loomed over him, his legs spread wide open for you with yours on either side of him. He was so desperate for you, he wanted you, he wanted to become one with you, to feel every part of you. He wanted you to be inside him and him to be inside of you, to become one being of heat and love. You wanted the exact same.

He's so breath taking like this. Bashfully closing his eyes as he relished in your touch, face tinted with a stunning shade of red, chest rising up and down at a soft and steady pace. His hair lay against the bed gently, soothingly even. His mouth only slightly agape, breaths coming out in an even pattern. His hair has always been a beautiful shade of purple, but it looked especially pretty in the cool lighting of the room, angelic even. Was that what he was ? An angel ? He really did look like one, descending straight from the heavens above. You felt as though he might've been your guardian angel, as though your entire life was leading up to this moment. The moment where you would finally clash into one pure being.

"I feel like I was born to meet you." You whispered blissfully, your half lidded eyes now boring into his wide open ones. He stared at you in a woeful shock, like the words that just left your mouth chipped it's way into his heart in one foul movement. The whole world seemed to stop in that moment, not even your breaths could be heard as you two laid there, soaking in each other's company. Finally, Scaramouche let out a airy laugh. "And I feel as though I was created just to feel you pull on my strings." He stared up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, shining in the dimly lit room.


You grumbled silently, feeling something draped around your waist, hugging you tightly. You groggily opened your eyes, wincing at the feeling of the bright sunlight leaking into the room through the glass roof of Scaramouche's room. His room truly was beautiful in many ways, it suited him quite well. You heard a low grumble from behind you as you flinched and stiffed up a bit, not really taking in where you were. It was that weird feeling you get, like when you wake up from a nap and forget you where even a person in the first place, nostalgic even, it struck deja-vu into your heart .

You slowly relaxed once you realized nothing else was happening before finally sighing and rubbing your temples in an attempt to wake yourself up. Your head wobbly looked down at your waist, only to realize that someone's arm was wrapped around you. Only one person would dare come in your personal space, and that person was of course Scaramouche. Anyone else and you might have bit their fingers off and spit them back in their face.

His arm wrapped lazily around you as he slumbered away in a, most likely, peaceful dream. His grip was so sweet, glossy almost. Your face bursted with color, Scaramouche, holding you ?? You were freaking out internally, but if you made a single move he would surely stir awake. Not yet, you wanted him to hold you like this for just a little longer. His lovely fingers gently tapping your waist, his arm twitching slightly. This felt so passionate yet it was just playful, unknowing cuddling. You giggled and you chewed on your finger nails, trying to contain your giddiness. He was holding you ! You didn't want this moment to end, but time goes on and you knew you had already savored it enough.

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