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Author Note:

Plz accept this Choso heart as an apology for my severe severe writer's block😭🙏🏾

P.S This chapter is over 8,000 words


"Ohayo Y/N! Little bro, you look like shit. Must've been a long night huh?" you hear Choso say as he suddenly appears behind Yuji and ruffles his already messy hair. The two of you had woken up not even half an hour ago and dragged yourselves down to the kitchen where Megumi had thankfully already been preparing brunch.

Apparently, some of Cherry's attendants insisted on cooking breakfast for Yuji per her instruction, but he decided to do it himself considering that would've resulted in Yuji feeling uncomfortable and the rest of you starting the day by being agitated by Cherry's obvious favouritism. Choso plops himself in the seat across from Yuji while you continue to help set the table with the different assortments of rice, salmon, and side dishes Megumi had been preparing.

"Good morning to you too Choso, did you sleep well?" you ask politely as Yuji cuts Choso off with a snarky chuckle before he could even answer you.

"You look equally as shitty, had your ear pressed against the door all night perv?" Yuji quips back as Choso places an offended hand on his chest. You already expected this kind of bickering regardless of last night's love-making, thinking of which, you haven't forgotten the words Yuji mumbled in his sleep-deprived state.

"Y/N...I love you,"

You're certain you heard him utter those words but can't bring yourself to ask him about it. You don't know what you're more scared of, him saying that it was a mistake and he didn't mean to say it or him admitting it and wanting you to say the same. You just keep it to yourself, considering it doesn't seem that he's even aware he said it there's no need to bring it up.

Though when the time does come, you can tease him that he was the one who said I love you first. You also have to acknowledge that you almost said it back as well, but you have other matters to deal with that you don't need to get put to the side because you and Yuji are acting awkward with each other.

"Eww, I would never want to hear your moans. Y/N's on the other hand..."

"One more word and I'm shoving this chopstick into your eyesocket!" Yuji yells as Choso laughs off Yuji's threat before glancing over at Megumi who's already glaring at him as he exits the kitchen and takes a seat across from you at the dining table. Something already seemed off with Megumi ever since you came down this morning, but you can't pinpoint what it is.

"Megumi I just woke up can you not murder me with your eyes already? Are you also gonna threaten to impale me with something?" Choso asks in a playful voice as Megumi's expression remains unphased by his clear attempt to aggravate him.

"How can I not when you continue to shamelessly flirt with Y/N? I understand that you enjoy pissing Yuji off, that part isn't what annoys me, but if you keep making Y/N uncomfortable then it becomes a problem," Megumi says bluntly catching you off guard, though Choso's expression changes to one you have yet to see.

Instead of the playfulness you've grown used to, Choso's smile drops and instantly his expression is void of any gleefulness from earlier. His ability to completely shift moods is awe-inducing and a reminder that everyone in this mansion is very skilled at manipulation and no doubt wears multiple different faces.

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