1: My Worst Day

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Chapter One:

My Worst Day

"WELCOME TO DECELIS ACADEMY, THE ONLY SCHOOL WHO CAN PROMISE YOU that we don't admit supernatural beings."

Hana looked up at the administrator. Was that in the usual tour script? Maybe her parents had spoken too long with administration. She nodded, with a smile, unsure how she was supposed to respond.

The administrator only smiled back, her smile sweet in a way that reassured Hana. The administrator was a woman about average height whose heels made her Hana's height, with brown frizzy hair that wouldn't stay in her bun. Hana ran a hand through her own hair, wondering if she should have put it up. The ride to the academy had been a long journey and both her hair and eye bags showed it.

Despite her fatigue, there was excitement rising through Hana, in a way that felt like her whole nervous system was dancing. Decelis Academy was beautiful. From the stone archways, to the giant grassy quad, to the ancient paintings on the walls. Sure, the tiles were chipped, the stones scratched, and the cabinets a little dusty, but it was an academy. A real life academy, and not just her old playroom transformed into a makeshift classroom led by her parents tag-team teaching her mathematics.

This was real. And Hana couldn't wait to get started.

The administrator stopped at the end of the corridor, where the walls met with one of the school's towers. The administrator clasped her hands together. "Any questions?"

Hana shook her head. "No, I don't think so."

"Nothing at all? I know Decelis's night class system can be a little confusing for students coming from other academies."

Again, Hana shook her head. "I think I understand. Do I start classes tomorrow?"

The administrator checked her watch. "I suppose it would be unreasonable to expect you to show up to class in an hour." She stared at Hana with a kind look. "Make sure you rest up. Maybe unpack first, and then sleep, so you can start adjusting your sleep schedule."

"Are my bags..."

"In your room." The administrator gestured to the curved door behind her. "This door leads to Tower D. Your room is Room 110, right at the back of the first floor. Just walk all the way down the hallway and you'll see it."

The administrator held out a set of keys to Hana. Hana studied them, running her fingers over the worn cut edges. One of them had SPARE written on it in black marker.

"Make sure to be on time to class, wear your uniform, and study hard." Hana looked up, and the administrator's eyes softened. "And if there's anything you need, or if there is ever any trouble, you don't hesitate to let us know."

Hana smiled. "Thank you. Have a good day."

The administrator repeated the sentiment, and waited as Hana opened the door to the tower. The door swung closed behind Hana with a heavy clunk. She took a deep breath, and started to walk down the long, dim, hallway. She heard talking and giggles behind doors and her nervous, fluttering heart sped up. Hana spotted her room at the end of the hallway and tightened her fingers around her new room key. As she opened the door to her new room, she couldn't help but whisper to herself, "Home sweet home."

⊱ ────────DM: Prophecy──────── ⊰

The hallways of Decelis Academy were full of more people than Hana had ever seen in her entire life. She watched with almost a fascination at everyone who passed—from the short and the tall, to the light- and dark-skinned, to the energetic and the reserved. All wore similar uniforms of grey slacks or skirts and white blouses, with red striped ties and black blazers. Hana had spent the whole morning trying to figure out how to tie her bowtie, and it still had turned out lopsided and lumpy. She figured she'd ask someone later in one of her classes as a conversation starter.

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