✝ Prologue ✝

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I looked out the window, watching the rain pour down from the sky and the stars shine through the clouds. I was closing up for the night. It was around 10 P.M.

"The rain is so peaceful." I said with a small smile. I pulled the cover over the womans lifeless body and glanced over at the letter and invitation I took out of her pocket earlier today.

The invitation was for a 'game' that is supposed to take place in a manor deep in the woods. It seems better then following in my father's footsteps. Just something different than the daily embalming of people. I have decided I would leave the moment that the funeral home had collected the embalmed body of the woman. I pushed the cart she was laying on back into the cold storage room and closed the door. Collecting my make-up box with the letter and invitation stuffed into it and locking up the place before heading home.

Feeling the rain droplets fall on my face made me smile. No matter what happened I always find comfort in the rain. By watching it or walking through it, something in me just makes me happy and it paired with the stars that you could see through some clouds, it's truly beautiful.

I took a longer route home so I could just enjoy the rain for a little longer. Wet clothes never bothered me that much, a hot shower and then putting my clothes inside the washing and hang them out to dry after.

Once I got home, I placed my box on the table. Going upstairs to take a shower and change my clothes for dry ones. I would take a good time reading through those papers after a long warm shower.

Taking my time in the shower, washing all my things from today off and down the drain so I could start tomorrow fresh again. The womans body would be picked up by the funeral home tomorrow. As my thoughts were drifting off and I got out of the shower I had forgotten about the letter in my box. I wanted to get some shut eye to help with my sudden tiredness.

Getting dressed into my pyjamas and tying by hair into my usual pony tail, I got into my warm bed and closed my eyes. Soon drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I woke up with the same and usual fatigue. I don't know what it was but every morning I woke up not rested and with a headache, I blamed it on the fumes from the previous day. They are known to make your head weird.

Getting up and getting dressed, went downstairs to get coffee and something to eat for breakfast and collect my things to head out. Back to my work,  I could finish up the last things I needed before the funeral home would swing by. Opening the door, I placed my box down and went to collect the body feom the cooling room.

Pulling the cold and lifeless body back to the room and getting my box, I noticed the letter I forgot about yesterday.

After a while the funeral home came and collected the body of the woman, another body would be brought in it would take a few hours to get here so I took the time to read the invitation. Some how this letter was adressed to me, but if it was, why was it on the woman's body? This whole thing was just iffy.

It was odd, why would I be invited to this game? I am just a local embalmer..
The letter promised a golden prize.. This whole thing made me rethink if I should go. The whole day my mind was clouded with the thought of whether or not I should go.

At the end of the night while closing up I made up my mind and I would go. Tonight.

My mind was all over the place as I got some bags and packed them with some clothes, my make up box. Since the letter stated I should bring that for some odd reason. I waited for the ride I had managed to get this late to the manor. The car arrived shortly after I got done with packing, and there I was sitting on the car waiting to be brought by the manor..

It was raining heavily upon arrival of the manor. I got out and got my stuff from the trunk and walked through the big gates until I reached the big front doors. Collecting my nerves I knocked twice.. No response.. So I knocked again, this time I heard footsteps from the other side of the door, followed by the creaking of the big doors opening. A tall woman with a red dress opened the door looking a bit confused. I stared at her, her head seemed to be attached to her neck with staples? or some sort of thread and it was kind of bloody.. "Can I help you?" The woman said with a french accent. Being snapped back to reality as she spoke. "Um.. I got an invitation to come here...?" I said, I was unsure if this was the right place. Holding the letter and invitation up to the woman. The confused look on her face disappeared and got replaced with joy. 

"You must be the new survivor!" She exclaimed, clasping her hands together with a smile. I nodded confused. Survivor...? why did she call me that..? The woman had in the mean time stepped aside and made room for me to walk in. I stood there awkwardly in the big hallway. There were two doors on the side, probably a kitchens, the stairs seemed to lead to rooms. The woman closed the door and turned to me. "My name is Mary." Mary said, with a smile. "Wait here, I'll get someone to lead you to your room!" She said and I nodded. 

She returned after a few minutes with a man in a blindfold. "He will show you to the room and will be your guide for the next few days." She said, before walking of leaving me and the man alone.

On the mans shoulder was an owl, who hooted quietly. "Um.. My name is Aesop.. Aesop Carl..?" I introduced myself to the man. Who smiled at me. "Eli, Eli Clark! Pleasure to meet you Aesop! This is Brooke." Eli said pointing at his owl, a smile on his face and the owl hooted happily. "Follow me, I'll show you to your room and then continue this in the morning since it's quite late." He grabbed my hand started walking towards the stairs before I could respond. "Right! Before I forget, what is your career?  I am a seer and it would be nice to know in matches!" Hearing that and the matches? what matches? "I am an embalmer..?" I answered even more confused than before. Perhaps tomorrow things will be more clear. 

"Here's your room!" Eli said, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. The door had a name card next to it with my name. I nodded at Eli "Goodnight.." I mumbled, Eli nodded and walked off. I entered the room and placed my belongings down, getting ready for bed..

A wilting rose. // IDENTITYV FANFICWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu